Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 January 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, January 2011

Monday, January 24Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge episode 7: (1) About health between Shirai and Mayor (2) Check-up with P-ko obsessing her physical outlook (3) everyone else obsessed of getting sick to get the attention of their love one. (4) everyone ended up getting an evaluation for rocket launching in which they have to stay in the basement for 5 days to see how they...

27 January 2011

Bleach: Chapter 434

Finally, a fucking update!It has been a while since we had an chapter page like this. We had a lot of it during the earlier chapters, right?And it looks like Don Kanoji is still doing the stupid shows after all these years. Jeebus, people in Japan must have been lacking in entertainment business if they are tolerating with Don Kanoji's shit.Anyway, Karin is acting suspicious....

24 January 2011


Warning: This is obviuosly a self-glorified postMy second resolutions for the year of 2011 is to try out baking and get a professional cert for it. I was planning to quit my job and focus on getting the cert. Unfortunately, I can't leave my job at the moment with all the projects that are coming in. I need to find a replacement in less than a month time, which kinda impossible...

23 January 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, January 2011

Sunday, January 16I'm in a mood for comedy so I pick up Mitsudomoe episode 7. I almost forgot how chaotic and fun this show is. I lol'd when Hitoha got so into the Gachi rangers. It was lulz worthy when she tried to talk about it with her fellow classmates but phailed at it. Obviously things get awry when the teacher involved. Then the classmates got confused because the twins...

22 January 2011

Fractale: Episode 2

So Nessa apparently is the key to the world and this confirms that Phryne is definitely not from Clain's world. I am still waiting for further explanation though. It seems like Phryne is like a princess or something since all the servants were frantically looking for her.This is the episode where Nessa is introduced to the public. I must say, she gives me a good first ...

My own cherry blossoms viewing

You know how the anime are crazy about cherry blossom viewing especially in shoujo type of anime (even in Gintama and it does reminds me of Byakuya as well) and often make a big deal about hanami. Since who knows when I will get a chance to go to Japan for flower viewing, I thought I will bring Japan and hanami to me.On my last trip to Kuala Lumpur a week ago, I was fortunate...

21 January 2011

First Impression: Level E

From the preview, I was immediately taken by Level E because of the promise of bishounen. Besides, from the synopsis, it make this show sounds kind of unique and unique usually works for me. So without further adieu, let's do this.The OP makes me snap my fingers in rhythm. I like it straight away. The music video for the OP is pretty neat too. I am certainly getting a good...

20 January 2011

First Impression: Kore wa Zombie desu ka

As I have said in my preview, I wasn't really looking forward to watch this because of the magic theme until my friend told me that it is full of random goodness. That reminds me of Gintama so it kinda gets my attention. This is why I am a tad behind with the first impression post. My friend wasn't lying. I lol'd when Aikawa Ayumu, seemingly a serious protagonist, suddenly...

First Impression: Hourou Musuko

I got the impression that Wandering Son pleases a lot of people. My initial thoughts were off the mark if what they saidy is true. I am stoke to see what AIC did to make this show exciting with that kind of story line.(c) KLThe episode didn't grab my attention until they introduced themselves to the class. It was interesting I think because I learned a lot from that brief...

19 January 2011

First Impression: Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne

The title is a mouth full, just like Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. I like to believe that this show is a parody of OreImou and made fun of that shit but I have my reservation. After all, just look at the list of shitty shows they produced this season >>I don't even care about the twin tail and Ojou-sama*sigh*I know it was too good to be true. Fuck, I hate...

Light Writings: Love

My heart has been racing all day. The face of the person I love(d) keeps flashing in my mind's eye. It annoys the fuck out of me. Then I made a mistake of watching a Korean drama that I know will piss me off. Now I can't stop thinking about love, or the act of loving someone or be loved in return because obviously all Korean drama is centered around romance and they always...

18 January 2011

First Impression: Fractale

After all the crappy shit I've watched this season, I was really looking forward to Fractale because of two reasons. Reason number is because this show is produced by A-1 Pictures. In case you are dumb, A-1 Pictures is my favorite studio production when it comes to anime. The second reason is because this show is featured in noitaminA slot that only aired quality anime.As...

17 January 2011

First Impression: Dragon Crisis

I am not a fan of Rie Kugumiya so after I saw people’s reactions for this show through twitter and such, I kinda have a reservation about watching it now. However, it would be foolish to form my opinion based on what others have seen. I need to see it for myself thus here I am watching Dragon Crisis despite that I’m bored with the fact that it’s the same kinda shit that I’ve...

16 January 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 2, January 2011

I was pretty busy this week, what's with me doing sexy baking, work, traveling and other shit. I only managed to watch a few of the new season's anime. Needless to say, I wasn't impressed. You can see what I've watched here.As usual, the only manga that I have time to catch up with is Bleach. Nothing much is happening except that we have re-established the fact that Ichigo...

13 January 2011

Bleach: Chapter 433

After two weeks of nothing, naturally I'm looking forward for the first ever chapter of Bleach in 2011. By the way, there are rumors going around that Bleach will end in Spring. I'm not so sure about that because from what I have read in the past, this current arc is about 6 months and then there will be a new arc that will last for about 2 years. I sure hope that it will...

12 January 2011

First Impression: Beelzebub

Personally, this is one of the anticipated shows for winter just because I am reading the manga and I expect good things from it. On the other hand, I tend to stop watching shounen anime half way through because I got distracted by other anime or was simply too busy to catch up to the many episodes. It happens with Soul Eater and Fairy Tail although I still watch them occasionally...

11 January 2011

First Impression: Wolverine

After the phailure of Ironman, I have some reservation for Wolverine as well. I'm afraid that Madhouse will phail me again with the same shit they did with Ironman. When I saw how bishie Logan turned out, I couldn't help myself but laughed out loud at the atrocity of this whole adaptation thingy. Right now, I really think that Madhouse should just let the Americans do their...

10 January 2011

First Impression: Yumekui Merry

After the dullness of Gosick and the retarded Rio: Rainbow Gate!, I am obviously disappointed with the winter release so far and can't wait to see Fractale. I said I want to avoid this show when I wrote my winter preview so I'm watching this first episode to satisfy my curiosity when a friend said he likes it (albeit only giving it a C).(c) chiba tsuruYumekui Merry is produced...

09 January 2011

First Impression: Gosick

The OP of Gosick definitely got me excited. Looking at the characters designs, I was impressed and immediately like the male protagonist. This opinion, of course, will change immediately as well if he turns out to be a wuzz. I predict the goth girl to be a typical tsundere. Just throwing the idea out there. The start of the episode shows some old whacked job lady sprouting...

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