Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 May 2012

Bleach: Chapter 494

I don't care how shitty the series are at the moment but every time I saw the colored cover of Ichigo/Rukia looking so damn fine, I forget all the worries and disappointment. Dayyum Ichigo sure looks delectably bad ass in this cover. Oh and lets not forget the captains of the Gotei 13. When was the last time we had the spread of all the captains? Too long my friends... too...

28 May 2012

First Impression: AKB0048

My understanding is, this series might be pretty similar to the iDOLM@STER. And then I heard that it was inspired by a real life group idol that I don't give a shit about hence can't remember their names. So basically, I think this series is going to sucks. BAD.   The story is indeed as bad, or perhaps worse, as I predicted. A bunch of girls in a planet where any sorts...

27 May 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 4, May 2012

Monday, May 21 Episode 6 of Tsuritama: They went fishing as usual and was introduced to Akemi, a spot where the locals are forbidden to fish because a boat went missing years ago. To celebrate Keito coming home from the hospital, Yuki decided to catch her a tuna. So they went out to see but to no avail. Later on, they went on Akira's boat to the Akemi where Yuki managed...

26 May 2012

First Impression: Nazo no Kanojo X

This series is included in my MUST WATCH list of the season but for some reason when it was released, I have no desire at all to watch it. That is going to change though because finally I'm able to force myself to sit down and check it out. Glo loves this series. He even changed his twitter name to the title of this series. Though I don't read the manga, he made me intrigued...

24 May 2012

First Impression: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

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23 May 2012

Bleach: Chapter 493

We all know that Opie will one way of the other destroyed Allon otherwise he will serve no purpose in this arc other than that fugly dude with even fuglier transformation. So yeah, Opie pretty much butchered and turned Allon to nothingness without having to lift a fucking finger. He just spread that fugly wings of his and that's that. I am not sure what the fuck Kubo was thinking...

First Impression: Gakkatsu

In my preview, I said I wasn't a fan of the art. From the poster it looks too much like a western cartoon than an anime and I don't like that. However, lets not judge the book by it's cover. After all, I did end up enjoying Sengoku Collection, didn't I? Don't be fooled (c) pixiv id 2034219 Chiho Takachiho is the class president of some random class that discussed random...

22 May 2012

Avatar: The Legend of Korra - Episode 5

It's getting harder and harder to get in the mood to watch Korra. If it wasn't for Glo and Rogue, I would have probably put this series on hold. However, according to Glo, I have another two episodes to go (well three if you include this one) before shits are going down. With that in mind, I tread on. Before I start though, here is a smex picture of Bolin, because I think...

First Impression: Hiiro no Kakera

I accidentally find out that Tomokazu Sugita is one of the seiyuu for the main character of this series and so I feel obligated to check this show out. I wasn't thrill that this is another harem-shoujo anime but I will (hopefully) persevere the first episode without having to rage quit. who lets the bishies out? (c) Kazuki Yone Hiiro no Kakera or Scarlet Fragment in English...

21 May 2012

Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai (NSFW)

Reading yaoi in the middle of afternoon is a tell tale sign that shit in life is not going according to plan. My choice for this afternoon is Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai. Fuh what a mouthful. This is a side story of one of the yaoi I have read earlier... Let see if I can remember which one was it... Oh yeah it's Kojitsusei no Tobira. It was good so I expect the same...

20 May 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 3, May 2012

Sunday, May 13 Continuing the Remember Love project, I have decided to rewatch Detroit Metal City, one of the anime included in my anime of the decade list. Episode 1 basically shows how conflicted Negishi is with his two identities, especially after he met Aikawa. It also introduced us to a line of extraordinary characters who will entertain us non-stop including the President. she's...

Remembering Love: Loving Another Human Being in Honey and Clover

This post is part of the Remembering Love project by Trazor. That two words - "remembering love" makes me remember this one show: Honey and Clover, with fond memories. When I first saw Honey and Clover, I was 24 years old. An age where people considered you as an adult and expect you to act accordingly. Back then I was a hikki. Though I have steady income from free-lance...

19 May 2012

First Impression: Sengoku Collection

Some people told me to skip this show after I complained at how bad Medaka Box was but I made a promise to myself to check all the anime before I pass my final judgment because sometimes, I can make a mistake. After all, I have always been fascinated by the Sengoku era. So... without further delay, let see what this show has in store for me. that must be the happiest whale...

18 May 2012

First Impression: Medaka Box

I am in the process of eliminating all possible shitty anime from Spring season. Upotte!! has already been cut down. However, I was proven wrong about my initial judgment for Shirokuma Cafe. Now let see where does Medaka Box stands. Will it remain in the anishit list or get a promotion? I have got this sinking feeling that it would be the former. I saw that this show is categorized...

17 May 2012

Anime: Summer 2012 v1

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16 May 2012

Bleach: Chapter 492

I actually lol'd pretty hard at the start of the chapter. The shinigami terrified by Allon? LOL When did that happen? Jeebus... consistency now Kubo... consistency... don't lost it yet... It just feels as if Kubo trying to convince us how bad ass Allon is but I'm just not buying it. Not when I know they have lost in the hands of the shinigami in the last arc. Speaking of...

15 May 2012

First Impression: Shirokuma Cafe

In my preview for the season, I included this show in the anishit list, thinking that it is nothing more than just another children oriented anime. Can you blame me though? It is an anime about animals. I usually have problem taking anime such as this seriously. But maybe this show is not meant to be taken seriously. From the anime blogsphere's reaction so far, it somehow...

14 May 2012

Avatar: The Legend of Korra - Episode 4

It's actually bad that I am losing interest with this new batch of Avatar but I'm not going to give up on it so here I am writing an episodic for an American cartoon, because I've told myself I will no longer write episodic for anime since it is just too much work for me. I wrote all my posts for my own satisfaction and I think I can be just as satisfied by using my tard diary....

Remembering Love: Detroit Metal City

When someone mentioned Detroit Metal City (DMC), one thing always come to my mind: the obscenity and the absurd amount of cussing. Both of which are the reasons why I freaking love this show. I mean, I. FUCKING. LOVED. IT! To some, it might be the exact reason why you hated it but hey, each to his/her own, though I personally think you are a retarded fuck who doesn't appreciate...

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