Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 July 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, July 2011

Wednesday, July 27Episode 4 of Ikoku Meiro no Croisée: Claude walks on Yune trying to take a hot bath and lol at the reaction. Alice was bragging about the orient loving hot water and bath together in a giant tub, naked. A coincident? I think not. It's a common fact that French people don't bath too often which mean they are a smelly bunch. It seems the tradition has been...

29 July 2011

WF2011 Summer Figures: WANT

When was the last time I wrote a post about figures? I have no fucking idea.Don't get me wrong. I still love them figures and I still buy them when I see something of my fancy. The last figure I bought was of Krauser II by Revoltech. It is still in the box unopened, among many other figures like Haruhi (the Disappearance version and nendo), Kyon, Lucky Star puchi, Konata and...

28 July 2011

Bleach: Chapter 458

Alert! Ginjou is down! Ichigo has the right to worry since he has been cut down by Tsukishima's fullbring. Ginjou could very well be his enemy now just like that two betrayers. But that would be too cliche now, wouldn't it? Thankfully Kubo decides that Ginjou is not affected (yet).While Ichigo rushes towards Ginjou, he forgets to watch his back and Tsukishima is a son of a...

27 July 2011

First Impression: Mawaru Penguindrum

My bad really. I said in my preview that this show is not getting subs. Who am I kidding right? EVERYTHING GETS SUBS NOWADAYS especially a show that has the same director as Revolutionary Girl Utena. Bass couldn't stop praising this show and though it's late I know I just have to check it out. (c) Bass I gotta say that I love the opening scene of this show when it talks...

26 July 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 15

lmao [gg] at the OP advertising. I was like... what the heck? This episode is supposed to be all serious and shit. lol marketin done right? Anyway, allow me to say that the BGM for the flashback scene is really nice. Anyone knows who it is from?The episode resumes itself with Rin getting tentacle rape treatment by the moth monster. He wants the others to run along just so...

25 July 2011

No. 6: Episode 3

lol never in my life I have seen mouse so obedient and so smart. Nezumi is a good rat trainer. He should be in the circus. He even makes the rats/mouses understand human language. How fucking genius is that?But of course I should have known that they are just robots. Nezumi is playing us all. Not to mention what great of an actor he is.Heh.kissu! kissu!As if we need anymore...

24 July 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, July 2011

Saturday, July 23Just like last week, I was again swamped with shits this week. I only saw a couple of new anime for the Summer season which you can see what I thought about them in my first impression posts.Episode 3 of Ikoku Meiro no Croisée: It's Claude's turns to learn more about Japan and whenever Oscar or Yune try to explain how it is, Claude totally has different ideas...

Avatar: The Legend of Korra - Trailer

Exactly a year and two days ago, I wrote a post about the comeback of a series beloved by all, Avatar: The Legend of Korra. I am the first to admit that I'm an avatard and thus has boycotted the crappy movie made by M. Night. That movie doesn't do justice at all at how fucking awesome this series are and so I won't blame anyone if M. Night got murdered because of it.But I'm...

21 July 2011

Bleach: Chapter 457

The chapter starts with the Xcutioners attacking Ginjou. They aren't playing fair either, attacking Ginjou all together at once: four against one. Kubo takes the opportunity to explain that Sushi guy's full bring (I seriously need to remember the name of these new characters but they are so blah) called "jackpot knuckle). It has something to do with jackpot and probability....

20 July 2011

First Impression: Uta no Prince-sama - Maji Love 1000%

The second anime produced by A-1 Pictures for this season. Naturally I feel oblige to watch this show just for that reason alone, though I must admit that I'm not looking forward to the story itself. I think the studio can do much better than this. I hope the bishies are fappable enough to make up for what it's lacking. Pfft, who am I kidding. There will be BL in this show!...

No. 6: Episode 2

The episode picks up from where it left of.That was a lie.Shion is all grown up and working at some sort of robotic department that picks up trash. He calls his job as park supervisor. Talks about time elapse.He was disqualified from getting into the gifted class four years ago when they found out he was hiding Nezumi. All the privileges were taken away from him and he was...

19 July 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 14

Summer holiday is here. The normal students are allowed to go home for the holidays but not for the Esquires. They have to attend a three day combat training camp. The training camp will also serves as a test to see if they are ready for missions. Good news is, Yukio will be joining them. Bad news is, Shura will be there too. Urgh...his pantsu? :3They are given a task and...

First Impression: No. 6

One of the noitaminA anime for the Summer. It was released the last two weeks but I was too damn busy with shits that I have only got the time to watch it now. Better late than never I guess. I wonder if I ever going to manage checking out the remaining 15 anime of the Summer season =\(c) SarnathNo.6 is actually a name of a city that kinda reminds me of Fractale since it's...

18 July 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 13

I remember now why I am so reluctant to watch this episode... Knowing that Shura will definitely be in it. Damn it, why must she appears and ruin this show for me. This is like Whorehime and Bleach all over again. A proper lady won't go around by just wearing a bikini two size smaller than her melons or shoves people head onto her jiggling breasts. Urgh... what a cheap character.My...

17 July 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 2, July 2011

Saturday, July 16I was extremely busy this week. I did saw some new anime of Summer season, you can find what I thought about them in my first impression posts.Episode 2 of Baka to test to Shoukanjuu Ni!: From beach episode to festival. This show really does go all out, doesn't it? But Yuuji and Akihisa didn't get out unscathed from their little rendezvous in the past episode....

15 July 2011

First Impression: Ro-Kyu-Bu!

The second episode is already out but it is only now that I have the time to spare for this shit. The aniblogsphere has been buzzing at how shitty this one is so I don't really know why the hell am I still watching this show. Maybe it has something to do with self-satisfaction, making sure that this is really as shit as everyone said it was. Or maybe I'm just a closet masochist.(c)...

13 July 2011

Bleach: Chapter 456

Oh boy, I should have seen this coming, whorehime has healed Shuu-chan back to normal. He's no longer wounded. His hand which was decapitated by Ichigo in the last chapter has return. No more handicapped. Shit. I'm pissed and it's only the first page of this chapter. Fuck, just fucking kill her already, Ichigo.This spread just reminds me of how much I love these characters...

12 July 2011

First Impression: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!

The most anticipated anime of the season. At least for me it is. I just love the goodness from the first season and Matsuri and here hoping the comedy will pick from where they left of. Such high hope I have for this one since most of the other summer anime I've seen so far was a let down :(The new season jumps straight to beach episode. If it's any other show, it would have...

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