Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 September 2013

Anime: Fall 2013

Let's just get down to it, shall we? Disclaimer: I'm basing my opinion on the synopsis of the shows. They are pretty telling at times but can be totally misleading at some other times too. (c) moetron So here goes. MUST WATCH: Are you kidding me? How can an anime that focuses on megane NOT be in my must watch list. Hell yeah I'm looking forward to Meganebu! even...

29 September 2013

Bleach: Episode 274

Okay I am pissed. Why? Read the note from dattebayo... Yeah apparently crunchyroll has gained the rights for Bleach as well, just like they did with Naruto and Gintama. This is crap man... I've been with dattebayo since they took over from Lunar years ago. I surely gonna miss them. Thanks dattebayo for your commitment to Bleach all these years. Much appreciated. If crunchyroll...

16 September 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 2, September 2013

Sunday, September 15 Free! episode 10: I get to see Rin as a kid, having fun with them three boys. So that's good. Other than that it was another boring episode of Rei trying to figure out what the hell happened and feel left out with all the talks about Rin. At the end, he went to Rin school to talk to him personally. Can't wait to see what they are going to talk about,...

08 September 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 1, September 2013

Friday, September 6 Haru was in shocked after he lost to Rin in episode 8 of Free. He keeps wondering why the hell is he feeling so crappy if he didn't care about winning etc. Hmm, another dorama. Anyway, none of them can go into the final but Gou secretly registered them for the relay the next day. They were worried that Haru doesn't wanna enter the relay but since he's...

01 September 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 4, August 2013

Sunday, August 25 They introduced the family members in episode 2 of Uchoten Kazoku. There's a frog, an over anxious brother, that timid young brother, the prince of a mom who scared of lightning and of course, our protagonist. It was revealed that their dad was killed (by Benten) and enjoyed in a hot pot. Did the Japanese has somewhat a tradition of eating a racoon or something?...

28 August 2013

Bleach: Chapter 507

The old fart's bankai work in reversed way it seems. All the flames were gone and stored inside his charred zanpaktou so whatever touches it gonna burn like a motherfucker on a stick. I mean, marshmallow.But that's not the only thing though. The zanpaktou seeps all the moisture from everything that is around it. Hmm, not bad for a bankai... I wonder when the heck will Juhabaha...

25 August 2013

First Impression: Gin no Saji: Silver Spoon

The only reason I'm excited as fuck for this show is because it's produced by A-1 Pictures. I hope this show can somewhat compensate for what is lacking in Servant x Service. On top of that, this is the only show that is featured in noitaminA for this season. That should be a good sign, isn't it? My first impression was Moyashimon. That's what this show reminds me of during...

24 August 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 2, August 2013

Saturday, August 10 Free episode 5: They went to some island to train for the tournament. Looks like Mako has some issues with the sea but he seems up to it. Anyhoo, Rei felt like he's dragging everyone down so he decided to practice on his own only to be caught in a storm. Mako to the rescue! It was a meh episode in my opinion. The only highlight is when Rin showed some...

21 August 2013

First Impression: Gatchaman Crowds

I didn't give this show any attention until my colleague starts spazzing (and drew fanarts overnight) about it. He said it was good and funny. It sounds alright so yeah lets check this out. I do hope it is as good as people say it is. After all, it takes a lot for me to actually go loco for a mecha anime. (c) Pixiv ID 4394760 And I didn't go loco (well, not completely...

14 August 2013

Bleach: Chapter 506

Looks like it takes an average of two months for me to read one chapter of Bleach nowadays. Just what the fuck happened? =\ Anyway, resuming from the last chapter,  the old fart is pissed. Even more so when the bad guys (of which I have forgotten what they are called) did a sneak attack on him. They fell like flies before they could land any hit on him though. Yuhabaha...

10 August 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 5, July 2013

Thursday, August 1 Love Lab episode 4: Sayo suspected that Riko is bluffing about being the Sniper of Love, a title that was given by the other three members of the student council. Riko tried to come clean but she isn't capable of letting anyone down so she just go with the flow. Sayo tried to uncover the truth until Suzu dramatically ended it. On the other hand, they were...

30 July 2013

First Impression: Brothers Conflict

I may or may not like this. It is after all about incest. I don't care if they are from different mother/father. As far as I am concern, once you are siblings either by marriage or something else, that is incest. They are incest anime that I can't get enough of like Yasuga no Sora and then there's anime incest that I fucking hate like Aki Sora. So let see where would Brothers...

29 July 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 4, July 2013

Monday, July 22 Love Lab episode 2: The introduction of the Student Council's secretary, treasurer and the president. The secretary is a big klutz which I found kinda cute while the treasurer and the president are somewhat the villain of this show. Riko is still the most normal character in the show though. Anyone else think Chii is a slut? Watching episode 3 of Brothers...

24 July 2013

First Impression: Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

People refer to this anime simply as Watamote and I said in my preview that this show has the potential to please me as a fan. Just look at the protagonist and you know that this has the right condiments to be good. (c) Maimai Yuki Oh and I secretly want her to end up with her younger brother ^w^ Watamote it is about a girl who has a really screwed up view of herself....

22 July 2013

First Impression: Kiniro Mosaic

Another anime that looks like it was made just for lolicon. But I won't judge it badly just yet simply because I have a slight hope that the comedy will actually be good. Let's just hope they won't disappoint me, yeah? Err... yeah... how about nope? (c) Moson Gotta admit she's kinda cute though There's nothing funny or comedic about the show. It was cute and moe all...

Diary of a tard: Week 3, July 2013

Tuesday, July 16 Watamote episode 2: Kuro met her friend, Yuu-chan, who was a geek too during middle school. She prepared lots of things to talk about (all askew). She thought that Yuu will still be the same Yuu in middle school but her friend changed so much in terms of appearance but the good thing is, they both can still have fun and what not. At least until the end of...

19 July 2013

First Impression: Genshiken Nidaime

I put this show in my must watch list based on the the previous two seasons of Genshiken. I think this show is a must for anyone who considered themselves weaboo enough. It is after all a show about otaku in their elements. still missing the old cast though 23 minutes passed by without me noticing it. That's what great anime is all about. Kudos Production I.G. for another...

17 July 2013

First Impression: Blood Lad

I look forward to this show since... well, since they first announced the adaptation. It's definitely something that seems to suite my taste better than any of the anime I've seen from the Summer season so far. After all, I do have some weird fetishes and blood just happens to be one of them. But wait a second... where's the freaking blood? It's all happy and cheerful...

16 July 2013

First Impression: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

All my hopes lie with the fact that Madhouse Studios is producing this. Let's hope then that the studio delivers even though the plot is already sounds disappointing. Having said that, after looking at the poster at MAL, my heart sinks: a loli holding a spade? Ah I hope there are other characters that makes watching this worth while... (c) Shino (Eefy) And thank goodness...

15 July 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 2, July 2013

Thursday, July 11 Shingeki no Kyojin episode 12: Eren lost control of himself as a titan so he attacked Mikasa but somewhat hurt himself. When the other saw what he did, they all quickly lost hope. Thanks to Ian though, they stuck to their plan albeit reluctantly. However, since Eren was down, all the other titans are attracted to him so the elite teams have difficulties...

14 July 2013

First Impression: Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou

Anime for lolicons. That's my first thought when I read the synopsis in the preview. Since I am not a lolicon, I figured I will be stressing out when I watch this anime. Hopefully though not to the point where I start questioning why are we letting such anime exist. Furthermore, it's about magic. I do not like magical stuff. It's pretty much about Akira who inherited her...

First Impression: Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku

An anime about a bunch of kids who don't want to join any club/activities after school but created their own club just for that purpose. Say what? Oh dear. I know from the moment I read that synopsis that I won't like this kind of show and I was right. They have several short skits about shit they do in their "going home club". Actually, they didn't do anything at all...

13 July 2013

First Impression: Danganronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei

I quickly judged that this show cannot deliver what it promised based on the studio and the plot that I read from the preview. However, I heard a lot of good things been said about this show on twitter so I guess I was wrong? So naturally I'm looking forward to check this out. (c) Mico Well, the start of the show is definitely intriguing. You don't get to see that...

12 July 2013

First Impression: Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji

I don't remember writing my preview thoughts for this show because it wasn't included so I checked MAL and by just looking at the poster, I can pretty much tell that I'm gonna like this show at all. And boy I was right. There's too much muscle involved. The protagonists are giants while everyone else are midgets. The story took place during the Sengoku Era so there must...

11 July 2013

First Impression: Love Lab

Ah, it says romance as one of it's genre. I see no guy in the character list which mean this is going to be a shoujo-ai anime. Not really my thing and I'm sure after this episode, I will drop this. Or maybe it's so good that it can turn me into a yuri fan. Who knows right? (c) Hao The animation is definitely one of the strongest point for this show. The character designs...

10 July 2013

First Impression: Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou

My first impression when I first saw the synopsis was this: too much going on. The plot is everywhere since it seemed like they want to include everything in it. The second episode is already out when I'm writing this but I haven't seen anyone mention anything about this show. I have a sinking feeling that this is going to be quite an unpleasant. (c) Nabeshima Tetsuhiro A...

Diary of a tard: Week 1, July 2013

Wednesday, July 2 Aku no Hana episode 12: The cinematography for this anime is nothing but excellence. The variation of camera works are really something especially during the middle of the episode. Anyhoo, since Kasuga now realized that he needs Nakamura (and he thought vice versa), he tried to talk to Nakamura again but she just ignored him. This pushed him to go to her...

09 July 2013

First Impression: Servant x Service

This show is automatically in my MUST WATCH list simple because it's produced by A-1 Pictures. Why? Well, that's my most favorite studio, is why! But then again, there are several shows from this studio that I dropped like Oreimo for example because there's character that I cannot tolerate in it. Servant x Service sounds just like a show that I will try to avoid. In my...

08 July 2013

First Impression: Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko

I have my reservation for this show simply because I'm not a fan of any ecchi/hentai genre and the blatant hentai in the title is enough to put me off. However, lets not forget that this show is produced by J.C. Staff. They often produced good anime despite the title and I have a list to prove that.  (c) Fuyouchu Watching the OP, I have a feeling that this show...

07 July 2013

First Impression: Arata Kangatari

I pay no heed to this show until I reread my preview for Spring. How could I forget the important fact that this show might have a boy pretending to be a girl? Lets just hope that this one will go horribly right. After all, isn't this the only show that is featured in noitaminA this season? (c) pixiv id 1169389 But oh dear.  This is such an average show, I dunno...

05 July 2013

First Impression: Free!

Ever since the teaser that Kyoto Animation released some time ago and then the announcement of the anime, everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, including the straight guys, are anticipating the airing of this show. But no one are as excited about the news as the fujoshis and who can blame them? Kyoto Animation has always been known for producing moe anime that is full of high...

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