Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 April 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, April 2011

Sunday, April 24That's one great OP song. Also I saw Shiro's nipple. Just saying. Episode 2 of Deadman Wonderland: Ganta entered the Dog Race. The seemingly nice inmate Takami Yoh isn't really very nice but I guess you have to be cunning to survive in that kind of hell hole. He told Tamaki (the warden) about Ganta entering the race so Tamaki made the hurdle as dangerous as...

28 April 2011

X-Men: Episode 4

Hopefully this episode will be much better than the pussy piece of shit we last saw. I know Madhouse can do it. Episode 1 and 2 were decent, weren't they? *crosses fingers*Emma Frost was attacked by some kind of weapon by the mad doctor that caused her to underwent a secondary mutation, or in mutant scientific term, Deamon Hall Syndrome where a certain emotion triggered the...

27 April 2011

Level E

All Level E did was trolling but damn it I enjoyed all 13 episodes, some more so than others. The fact that I enjoyed the trolling kinda tells you that this show is good at what it does which is bringing you shounen comedy. I appreciate that and honestly we need more shows like this and less that of Rio or Dog Days.http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=868573Don't let the title...

26 April 2011

The World God Only Knows II: Episode 3

I like Haqua the first time I saw her in the last episode of TWGOK last season. She will have to prove herself to me in this episode, that me liking her is not a coincident, that my judgement on character is still impeccable.Haqua is totally different than the useless Elsie. She's the chief division for... whatever I can't remember. The important fact here is she's a chief,...

25 April 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 2

I come in my pantsu every time someone mentioned Ao no Exorcist. I am just that big of a fan after what I saw in my first impression post. Awesome shit is awesome. But enough me fapping and lets get on with episode 2 of this show.Now that Rin knows he's the son of Satan, his friends and family suddenly decided that they should pay him a visit but they all have ill intent towards...

24 April 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, April 2011

Monday, April 18My first impression on SKET Dance and [C].Hanasaku Iroha episode 3: Ohana was about to get rape by the novelist. I approved because she obviously volunteered to atone her mistake in the last episode. Such a nice girl. She even helped him with her sex-writing career (Ohana having a threesome with Nako and Minko in a bath tub). Then she tell the others about...

23 April 2011

My Top 10: Anime You Musn't Miss Out On

I just happened to see the latest post from Sankaku Complex about Top 10 Anime You Musn't Miss Out On and I felt compelled to check it out. I shouldn't bother though because what I saw pissed the hell out of me. Sure, it was written in plain sight that the list is not for Type A anime fan but still... I feel like I was challenged. Here is the list: K-ON Angel Beats! Bakemonogatari To...

First Impression: Deadman Wonderland

I don't read the manga although I really want to but since I can't afford to spend my time with any manga (except Bleach) nowadays, I am really look forward to see the anime. I have heard and even been forced to read the original so that's why I have high hope for this one. This is only a 12 episodes show though. I wonder if the pace will be too fast. I hope Manglobe doesn't...

22 April 2011

Ano Hana: Episode 2

This episode covers the other two friends of Menma. Continuing from the first episode, Jintan told Poppo about Menma and Poppo simply accepted that fact by believing every words that came out from Jinta's mouth. By the way, it seems like Popo is living in that club house they made when they were kids, what's with all his stuff in that place. Despite his looks, he has been...

First Impression: Ao no Exorcist

Ao no Exorcist is the only anime that I look forward to the most because of two factors. Factor number one is the fact that I have read the manga back when I was a manga whore so I know what to expect and I expect greatness because the story is fucking awesome (though I have forgotten most about it). The other factor, if you have not guess it yet, is the fact that A-1 Pictures...

21 April 2011

Nichijou Episode 0

Nichijou Episode 0 is the OVA for the TV series that is airing at the moment for the Spring 2011 season. I want to watch this since it first came out but I was too god damn busy with work and has been postponing it week after week. I can't procrastinate Nichijou any longer though. Glo convinced me that I need to watch this show for the funneh and before I could watch the TV...

Bleach: Chapter 445

Since Tsukishima destroyed the tank, Ichigo and Jackie are back to normal though Ichigo is still clad in his shikakusho a.k.a his full-bring. Make sense though since even her bankai manifested in that manner, along with the change of his sword.Tsukishima didn't wait for an invitation to attack Ichigo when all of a sudden Chad interfered. For whatever reason he doesn't want...

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