Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 September 2010

K-ON! film confirmed

(c) ameirosource: tokyohiveWhat the fuck are these people thinking? O_oBut it's not like I don't understand the marketing side of it. They will milk all the money they can get from this shit. They are already making tons of dough from the merchandise. With this news I made up my mind that I will not buy Alter's Ritsu (which cost a whopping MYR418). Enough is enough.Yes, as...

29 September 2010

Bleach: Episode 290

I kinda look forward to see this episode but at the same time, kinda dread it too. You'll see why if you keep reading this shit and watch this shitty episode.Tousen is shit. I'm just saying XDI mean... I freaking lol'd when he said he has surpassed both the espada and the shinigami. Who is he kidding? I doubt he is any stronger than Ulquiorra. If he fought with Ichigo, he...

Another small milestone achieved: 100K

My life in an image(c) itaioYeah, for some reason I got another 50K hits since last June. It's either I'm getting better or people have nothing else to do. But either way, for those who visited my blog, even by accident and ended up hating it, I want to say thank you. You guys made my experience just that more sweeter and in a way saying that I'm not really wasting my time...

28 September 2010

Holy shit! Look at the drum set!

I think with this, Alter's collection of the K-ON! girls is completed.I so fucking want her but realized that I couldn't afford it. Not at the moment at least. Fuck, why am I so obsessed with Ritsu and her drum set?I love the fucking details on the equipments. I think Alter has the knack for it. Having this would look so freaking cool in my display cabinet. Shit, I guess I...

Anime ain't for kids

This post has a suicidal tendency if you are a Kelantanese(c) kyoI had a good dream but not a good night sleep. I woke up with a link on my Facebook wall about some news that fucking pissed me off so early in the morning. So here I am ranting about it.According to independent Malaysia news-site, The Malaysian Insider, anime is not for kids because they are "dangerous" for...

26 September 2010

Light writings: Loneliness

(c) ryouga Today is Sunday. I have pretty much spent my day finishing few proposals for work and have a lunch date with an old friend of mine. When I got back, I read some of the manga that are in my reading list hoping that time will flies by quickly. Yet here I am still feel unfulfilled. Empty. It is one of those days again when I get so fucking ronery, I am at lost...

25 September 2010

Diary of a tard - Week 4, September 2010

Sunday, September 19GetBackers episode 9: A fake painting was stolen by the Clayman with the help from Himiko, the Lady Poison. Obviously they hired Ban and Ginji to retrieve it back. However when Ban-chan saw the painting, he wasn't sure if it was a fake anymore.In the mood to catch up with Togainu no Chi. I am reading this for the yaoi/BL parts. The actions are just icing...

23 September 2010

Creativity Zero

I wish I was born with at least an ounce of creative genes inside my body so at least I have the possibility to do this: I have the highest envy for such people. But the good news is, the guy I'm in a relationship with at the moment has that talent. It is probably why I have a crush on him in the first place. He shares the same interest and passion as I. I write while he came up with creative shiznit. I'm a Pisces and he's a Cancer. We just compliment each other according to the universe =3...

Bleach: Chapter 421

Bleach color spread of Ichigo. Needless to say, I wet my pantsu ^_^I don't get how some people saw Kaien in him. Sure he got his hair dyed black but he is still Ichigo. I cannot see anything that resembles Kaien at all. Or is it because I am not a Kaien's fan to begin with?But lets move on. Ichigo at the moment has no shinigami power whatsoever because that what it means when...

Bleach: Episode 289

I feel like quitting watching Bleach. Since I started writing chapters review, I am much better with the details and even if I forget I can always check out my blog to refresh my brain. But then again, Bleach is the whole reason I got addicted to anime. It just doesn't feel right to just abandon the anime.Hmm, this is hard. I think I'll stick to it for the time being. Besides,...

20 September 2010

Why do I go crazy for anime?

Have you seen Disappearance yet? It was fucking AWESOME!!(c) mcrIsn't anime just another form of cartoon? Instead of made by the Americans, they are made by the Japanese. Whats the difference? What makes anime so special?What most people don't understand is, like any other hobbies or interest, once you are "into" it, you will understand the depth that goes with it.Becoming...

18 September 2010

Diary of a tard - Week 3, September 2010

Tuesday, September 14I have been waiting to see Zettai Karen Children OVA for quite a while and finally got the chance to do so today.Thursday, September 16Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysian.In conjunction with the celebration is the hottest Ichigo yet: Getsuga. I swear I wet my pantsu when Kubo revealed the final!Getsuga Tenshou in this week's latest Bleach episode.Friday,...

Random post about blogging

psst! these are boys!(c) minariNo, this post is not about shouta that look like girls. This post is random because I feel like posting something random today thus the pictures are random too.If you think the following questions look familiar, because it is. This post has been sitting in my draft since February after I read it at That Anime Blog. Bare in mind that these answered...

17 September 2010

Bleach: Episode 288

They started this episode with Ichigo taunting Mayuri and interestingly Mayuri was affected with such words. I guess Mayuri really doesn't like to be compared to Urahara. Heh.Ichigo went into the garganta with Unohana in tow. So that means, Rukia, Isane, Chad, Renji, Byakuya, Nemu, Mayuri, Ishida, Kenpachi and Whorehime are the one that get left behind in Hueco Mundo.Byakuya...

16 September 2010

Bleach: Chapter 420

Like I said in previous weeks, before we are going to see the final!Getsuga Tenshou (apparently the ultimate technique in the series) Kubo will take us back to how Ichigo obtained the technique. This is what I have been looking forward too just because I want to see Tensa.To be completely honest, I was a tad disappointed at how it turned out. I mean, the drama kinda put me...

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