Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 June 2011

Bleach: Chapter 454

Oh this ought to be good. The chapter starts with Isshin and Urahara. The answer we have been asking ourselves as to who might the shinigami is finally going to be revealed. Ah but then again we forgot that Kubo just love killing us with the suspense >_>He quickly switch the chapter to Ichigo and Ginjou who have been running around town, finding an old decrepit building...

29 June 2011

Prized possessions

As I lazily lean back in my seat, I saw one of the Bleach figures that is still in box (I put the boxes of figures on the shelves that are placed above my computer desk). This reminds me of the Bleach character book that I bought in 2007. Problem is I totally have no idea where did I saw it last.I begun to have cold sweat because that book is one of my most prized possessions....

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 11

From the preview the last episode, most of us can already tell that this is going to be the mandatory beach summer episode. I don't know what's with the Jap obsession with beach episode. I guess they need an excuse to make the female characters wear skimpy bikini outfit. It is also to satisfy the perverted nerds out there. Yes, I'm talking about you.I bet they are saying the...

28 June 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 10

Late entry because as of late I don't feel like watching anime at all. The only anime I watched for the last few days is Gintama. That's a tell tale sign that my mental health is deteriorating. But I know I have to buckle up and I think Ao no Exorcist is the perfect show to get me out of this slump. I want to watch the last episode of Ano Hana but I don't think I can handle...

26 June 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, June 2011

Sunday, June 19I guess I'm still high from last week's yaoi hence why I am reading Ore ni Koi Shite Dousunda. Another ongoing yaoi by Yoneda Kou and centers around Tora who has to stay at his uncle (Kase Ryouji) place. Yep, this one reeks of incest and I'm loving it. The two of them aren't on the best of terms and can't stand each other at all. It may sound cliche but because...

24 June 2011

Ano Hana: Episode 10

Aight I'm all buckled up. Lets get this over with. I hope my emotionally depressed state won't make this post too biased (lol but then again, all my posts have been biased regardless).And I am greeted by Tsururu saying how much it hurts. That is just... not good for me at all. Not with the condition I'm in now. I can't stop the water works now dammit.I want to hug everyone...

23 June 2011

Saying goodbye is not easy

I know something is just not right today the moment I woke up. For some reason I just keep thinking of you. Maybe because your birthday is coming up, or maybe because the other day our friends talked about you. For the first time since we broke up, I missed you so terribad. If I don't have any self control, I would have jump in the car and travel up north so that I can see...

Bleach: Chapter 453

I have my hopes high for this chapter since the first thing I saw when I sit in front of the computer is Bass complimenting the chapter. This ought to be good.And as expected, it looks like Shuu-chan (reminds me of Shu from Kuragehime ♥) has completely brainwashed the twin. They are all being chummy and what not. Even Karin acts all moe around him which is the biggest surprise...

21 June 2011

Ano Hana: Episode 9

To be honest, I don't feel like watching this show anymore after the shit I went through two weeks back. The reason why there is a backlog is because I encountered countless spoilers for episode 9. Good thing that I have short attention span so I have to wait till I forgot what the spoilers were and avoid twitter when people starts talking about episode 10.Having said that,...

19 June 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, June 2011

Monday, June 13Watching SKET Dance episode 8: Momoka wants to be a seiyuu so she comes to Switch to know more about anime and him being quite a tard, readily takes the job. Momoka is supposed to do a kid show but that show has 90% crap drama that aren't appropriate for kids. This is trufax which is why it's funneh. Momoka is dead serious about it and thus gets the job. The...

18 June 2011

Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo Sezu

It has been a while since I read a yaoi manga. I read occasional doujinshi but they are all crappy. So when I found something like this, it feels awesome. I don't even care about the colleagues as I read this, which is clearly NSFW.Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo Sezu is a prequel to another yaoi series, "Don't Stay Gold". I learned about this series thanks to mcdvojka...

17 June 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 9

There is a good reason why I am always late at watching Ao no Exorcist. While most of you guys watch the subs from gg, I wait patiently for horriblesubs version, which is released 6 days later. I just prefer the latter is all since it works for my VLC. My VLC keeps crashing when played the episodes from gg. OrzAnyway, enough with the delay already. Lets get on with the episode!Rin...

16 June 2011

Bleach: Chapter 452

What the fuck? Ichigo's sight as expected has return, no doubt thanks to Inoue which only increase my rage for her character. Aside from that, his training with Ginjou is still ongoing. Even Inoue spends the night inside the game as Ginjou forces Ichigo to do hundreds of push-ups. Ginjou's reasons? Ichigo needs the stamina to use his full-bring. Thank goodness that makes sense....

14 June 2011

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu

Baka to test to Shoukanjuu Chi is probably one of the few shows that I look forward to for the Summer 2011 season. There is no doubt that the characters are dumb but that in actuality made this show so brilliantly funny and random. Yes, random. Just like Gintama kind of random. That is enough indication on how awesome this show is.However, I see some people who doesn't even...

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