Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 March 2010

Bleach: Episode 264

Another episode of fillers. 1 more episode to go and we'll back on track! Hang in there, oh Bleach's lovers!This week is about Shunsui's zanpaktou. I couldn't remember what its name is though. I have never been a fan of Shunsui in the first place anyway.edit: the zanpaktou's name is Katen Kyoukotsu.Nanao had the task to look after the cute one out of the pair, and brought...

29 March 2010

Bleach: Episode 263

Whoa, a late entry. That's how fucking busy I have been.But anyway, no one spoiled this episode for me yet so I have no choice but to watch it and see what's going on. Does anyone still bother with the anime though? That's what I want to know... *shrugs*Heh, just as expected, Zabimaru are just as useless as Renji in a fight. Always needed to be save one way of the other. This...

28 March 2010

Bloody Little Circus

Bloody Little Circus... Pfft! I was cheated. There is nothing bloody about this bloody circus!This is another one shot manga that I picked up randomly. I shouldn't have though. Luckily it is just only 20 pages long.It is about a vampire girl name Anna who does not want to suck on people so for her alternative, she sucks on animal but did not kill them. Instead she has them...

27 March 2010

Gintama ends?

Yes, Gintamards, after 4 years running, the anime has finally comes to an end. They ended it at episode 201. The world wept at the lost of the greatest anime series ever made.But all hope is not lost. The reason they ended it was because the anime has caught up with the manga with only 7 chapters left. This could mean that they are taking a hiatus until the manga gets a few...

Diary of a tard - Week 4, March '10

Sunday, March 21Yosh, time to complete To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. The last episode I've seen was a month ago. I don't appreciate the cliche drama in the Poltergeist episodes though and found out that Uiharu's power is super lame. But I guess the drama was necessary for the (anti) climax (and cliche) ending. The last two episodes was kinda good although we could have seen the...

25 March 2010

Anime and sexual deviation

This post is an answer to what Ningyo is asking in his recent post on youth and sexual breakthrough. I think it is too long to post on his comment box. I guess I'm not affected much by it as a kid since the anime that I was watching as a kid were mainly comprised of dragon ball and Doraemon. It is only in my late teen that I seriously got back to watching anime again....

Bleach: Chapter 397

I can understand why Ichigo so easily lost his cool. I would too knowing that you have been acting just according to your enemy's plan. I want to say that this is still a bit of far-fetched even for Aizen but if he said he knows Ichigo since the moment he met Rukia, then, that is what I call a fated meeting ^^As usual, Aizen is just as calm and collected like he always is...

24 March 2010

Bleach live action movie? Hell fucking no!

A friend of mine gave me this link and after I read it, I fumed. My mood was bad to begin with, reading that shit just makes me wants to castrate someone, preferably the jerk I was dating.When will Hollywood going to learn that you don't necessarily have to do it even if you can. It will just ruined the whole fucking franchise. If Kubo agreed to this, he'll just have to live...

23 March 2010


I have been thinking about this a lot. I have friends who most of the times I called assholes (but they love me anyway) but only few one that I called my best friends. I have a rather nasty personality, you see. I rather do not have friends than making friends with people I cannot tolerate.Lets make a list of THAT peopleThose who cannot keep up with what I am talking aboutThose...

22 March 2010

Barber Smurf

I have been eyeing the smurfs at Rebirth ever since I first step into the store. One day, I asked the owner if the smurfs are for sale. He quickly answered no and smashed my hope on the spot.However a few days later, Mat (he's the owner) messaged me on Facebook and said that I can have one of the smurfs figure. I did not ask which one, I am just glad that he is generous enough...

21 March 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

I started watching To Aru Kagaku no Railgun on October 4, the week it first aired it's episode for the Fall of 2009 season. It was definitely one of the anime series that I look forward to the most because of my likeness for Misaka ever since Index (which I have yet to complete).To Aru Kagaku no Railgun is not the sequel nor prequel for Index though. It was supposedly...

20 March 2010

Diary of a tard - Week 3, March '10

Monday, March 15Yay, a week off! I plan to catch up on my weekly winter anime. Yosh! But first, the manga!Thank goodness that I keep my diary otherwise I would be totally out of the loop with what's going on in Are you Alice? chapter 5. Alice is determined to save the Duchess from the monster that was created from 'regret of the past'. The Duchess is Alice substitute. She'll...

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