Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 March 2011

Bleach: Chapter 442

I think Riruka is jealous of Jackie but it could be deeper than that. For now however, I don't care to find out as the training, or 'battle' as Jackie called it, commenced.you have got to love Ichigo's naivety sometimesJackie's fullbring is her dirty boots. Stinky and it gave her the power to become the Flash. Unfortunately the fight was boring as hell. I have no interest...

30 March 2011


I'm not a gadget person. I used my cellphone either till it's broken or lost. Same with my laptop and other stuff but lately I have cravings for new gadgets. Part of the reasons because it has becomes a necessity for me to upgrade.So far there are only three things that I want at the moment. I am not sure when exactly can I afford it though since I have other shits that I...

29 March 2011

Anime: Spring 2011 v2

Just noted that I am not happy with the deterioration of my post as of late. Take this post for example, I have been postponing this post since God knows when. I am simply too busy to sit down and write properly. I can't even remember the last time I wrote a chapter. That's how bad it is. Obviously the lack of writing makes me jittery and shit which consequently makes me grumpier...

28 March 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, March 2011

Monday, March 21Catching up on Fractale episode 8 and 9. Phryne really pissed me off. What a slut.Tuesday, March 22The second opening for Star Driver is not bad at all. Anyway, episode 15: Wako was jealous that Mizuno got to kiss Takuto even if it was just a play. Really, she should pay more attention to Sugata. I mean, he got an offer from Head to be the Emperor for first...

25 March 2011


If you read my blog often, you might have came across this post. I wasn't planning on blogging about it but people have been asking me why not since it could mean potential customers. So I thought might as well do it and since I don't want to blog about it, I used tumblr instead where blogging made easy.After some serious thinking, I came up with the name scrumbtious for my...

22 March 2011

Fractale: Episode 8 and 9

I am going to dedicate this week to Star Driver, Fractale and Level E. I will try to catch up and if I have more time to spare then I’ll play catch up with the older shows as well.I’m going to start the week with Fractale episode 8. Clain and Phryne were captured. The ugly dude who captured them turned out to be Phryne’s father. Not her real father but like a priest at the...

21 March 2011

Bleach: Chapter 441

Ichigo quit his job. Or tried to. Obviously the land lady won't hear shit about it. She even acted all concern about him. Figures. Everyone wants to get into Ichigo's pantu one way or the other. Thankfully he's wearing a chastity belt and only Rukia has the key. Heh, I'm deviating.Anyway, continuing from last chapter, Ginjou told Ichigo that Tsukishima was once their leader....

20 March 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, March 2011

Monday, March 14Fractale episode 6: the ship has landed and there's someone else like Sunda who is in charge. His name is Dias and he's a bishie. He' the leader of Alabaster, another faction of the Lost Millenium. I feel like this faction has some hidden agenda going on. Turned out Dias is a cold blooded murderer. It just made him cooler if you asked me. LOL. On the other...

15 March 2011

Help Japan

I feel guilty for not doing this sooner. Life fucked me bad but the Japan people had it worst. So, echoing Glo's and many other bloggers' effort, here I am imploring my reader to donate to Japan. If you still need a fucking reason, read this.(c) yusri bachokThere are several ways to donate so there is really no reason why you are not doing it.American RedcrossGroupon Malaysia...

13 March 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 2, March 2011

Sunday, March 6Tegami Bachi episode 20: The reason why Zazie became a Letter Bee was because he wanted vengeance for the gaichuu who had hurt his parent. He wouldn't mind if he lost a letter or two in the process which of course didn't sit well with Lag. So he volunteered to retrieve the letter. Zazie followed him though and thank goodness for that because Lag couldn't handle...

12 March 2011

Bleach: Chapter 440

As you can see, I am not that excited to read Bleach hence why the delay. I can pretty much predict what's going on in this chapter. I hope Kubo proves me wrong though.He started off with a suspense, as if Inoue is really in grave danger. I obviously thinks that Inoue needs to die because because of several reasons. She's acting noble seeking revenge for Ishida. Unfortunately...

09 March 2011

Getting older

The day is about to end. It has been 30 years and 18 hours since I was born in 1981. My life has been filled with ups and down and after considering everything, I think I got it good.I wasn't born on a silver platter, instead I was born with a cleft-pallet. What the fuck is that? Google it you dumbass. I got my first surgery to correct the defect when I was 8 months old....

05 March 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 1, March 2011

Tuesday, March 1Star Driver episode 14: Takuto revealed to the twins that he doesn't have a girlfriend. Obviously they want to be his now. Mizuno even got a chance to kiss Takuto passionately on stage. By the way, Head is back at the Vanishing Age headquarter so he's planning something to while Marino will appravoise Ayingott to try and defeat Tauburn. Ayingott has the ability...

Bleach: Chapter 439

Another late entry. My life is really fucking me in the butt right now >=(Oh shit. Kubo is psychic! >>Kubo's attempt at humor continued in chapter 439. I was bored for the first few pages except when I saw Ichigo's cute face. After that the boredom continues.*chuckles*Ichigo was pretty much done with his initial training to bring out his full-bring so he can go home...

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