30 March 2011


I'm not a gadget person. I used my cellphone either till it's broken or lost. Same with my laptop and other stuff but lately I have cravings for new gadgets. Part of the reasons because it has becomes a necessity for me to upgrade.

So far there are only three things that I want at the moment. I am not sure when exactly can I afford it though since I have other shits that I need to take care of first. Like my vacation to Bali for an example.

Fujitsu Lifebook SH530

I badly need a new computer. The one I have now is lagging like an old grandmother. I used Fujitsu's laptop before and the performance was excellent. Unfortunately my brother-in-law broke it thus I'm stuck with this stupid Acer I'm using now which have been struck by lightning twice. The first time it happened the screen fucked up. The second time, the keyboard got the shit. So now I have to bring an external keyboard for the laptop. I have changed the keyboard 3 times since then.

This Lifebook will cost me MYR2799. Fuck.

HTC Incredible S

Yes, I don't have a bloody smart phone. I never used my phone other than to call or text people. I might get this one first before I buy the computer because the phone I have now is starting to fuck up. It's a Sony Ericson phone and it's bloody useless. I bought it less than 6 months ago and I already sent it for maintenance once because the software made it lagging to the point that I can't received or send text to people. I should have bought a Samsung...

But anyway, since my work kinda requires me to be online almost 24/7 nowadays, I guess I need a smart phone to make my life easier. I need to keep up with the technology, no?

HTC Incredible S will cost me MYR1999. Bloody hell.

iPod Touch

I travel a lot (even if it's to and from KL every weekend). I realized that I need something to entertain me when I have nothing to do (like in a plane or in a hotel) even more so now that I have songs that I want to listen to 24/7.

iPod Touch is a secondary option though. If I find the smart phone to be entertaining enough than I might just abandoned my wish of obtaining this one. If I still want to listen to music, then I'll just buy iPod Shuffle or iPod Nano that cost must less than this beauty.

64GB iPod Touch cost myR1399. Oh shit.

Too bad my birthday has just passed.


Get a smartphone first. It does most of what you wanted alone.

i'm still saveing for a camera lol

i will, Leon. It called smartphone for a reason.

Mitch, what kind of camera are you saving for?

i was thinking a canon t2i

oo nice... Canon's lenses are more affordable than Nikon. Good choice

Guess what? I bought an iPod Touch :)

Aku ingat klux terselamat daripada godaan Gajet gajet ni!

ala.. apa sangat la gadget yang aku idamkan ni...

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