Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 May 2011

Ano Hana: Episode 7

Jintan of all people has the audacity to lecture Anaru about skipping school. Talk about pot calling the kettle black, huh? I am even more surprised at agreeing and even complimenting him afterwards though. I guess that's the power of love? It makes you blind as a bat. The cupid must be on her side too I think when she gets the opportunity of a life time to rape Jintan when...

29 May 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, May 2011

Sunday, May 22Episode 4 of Ao no Exorcist wasn't as great. Well, introduction episode is mostly like that.C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control episode 3 - I have forgotten how boring and complicated all the finanical shit are. Satou, the lady with lollipop, is from an organization that tries to uncover the secret and the impact of Financial District in real world....

28 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist ED: Take Off

edit: this is a filler post, just like Ao no Exorcist episode 6 is one.http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3103579So yeah, I said in my first impression post that I like the ED right away just because I learned that 2PM is the one who sings it. This is not entirely true. The song itself is very catchy and it is hard not to hum to it after you listen to the ED. It can be addictive.I...

27 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 6

From what I saw in the preview, this episode seems to be some sort of a filler. Being a temporary cook at school kitchen is hardly a plot, in my opinion. Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure I will enjoy this one just because.Looking at how the students in anime always rushing to the canteen during break, it made me realized how different it is with the school system in Malaysia....

26 May 2011

Bleach: Chapter 449

Whoa a color spread. How deceptive of you Kubo and he is a fucking teaser too. He still refused to reveal who that shinigami with Urahara and Isshin is and continue to let us speculate at the beginning of the chapter. I am still hoping it is Rukia even though I am not sure why they want her reaitsu. If it has something to do with her reiatsu as the trigger for his shinigami...

24 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 5

Who would have thought that Rin is actually an attention whore. He surely doesn't looks like it but since he even dream of being the popular exorcist among exorcist, he must have secretly wish that people acknowledge him like that. Heh, aren't we all vain?I am also surprise that he actually thinks someone (in this case, Suguro) is better than him, even calling him "cool"....

23 May 2011

Ano Hana: Episode 6

Why do I always feel anxious when it comes to watching my favorite anime? *takes a deep breath*Let's do this.Doesn't he looks a tad like L?So finally Jintan decides to give some thoughts about Menma. Basically he is not disagreeing with what Poppo had said in the last episode, about Menma having regrets thus why she still lingers and does not went to heaven. I doubt that...

22 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 4

I know that this is late but I am writing these episodic reviews for my own satisfaction. I feel like I have to capture the excitement of this show in words, granted that mine might not be good enough, but they still carried my feelings. So far I only feel this way for two shows, both coincidentally aired in the same season; Ao no Exorcist and Ano Hana.Kana Hanazawa and Aya...

21 May 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, May 2011

Monday, May 16Tiger and Bunny episode 5: I have to applaud Barnaby for putting up with Tiger. Damn he got on my nerves with his "heroic" attitude that only caused trouble to anyone else around him. Anyway, it's Barnaby's birthday and Tiger thought he threw him a surprise party. It didn't turn out the way he had planned since he caught up with the real robber. So defeating...

19 May 2011

Bleach: Chapter 448

I have been a very good girl lately. I have been going to office on time and work diligently too thus why I only got the chance to read the latest chapter of Bleach after I got home from work. *pats meself*so clicheYukio's full bring enables him to trap his opponents in his game and he can control them as he wish. I can see how his power is quite formidable but in actuality,...

18 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 3

Yukio is dealing with his father's death his own way. He doesn't even say anything about Rin pointed ears. I am worried about him to be honest, knowing that keeping everything to oneself is not healthy. I should know, because I practice that in real life. It sucks. Since his personality has always been quite, people wouldn't know that he is not alright.psst, kluxorious kluxces...

Ano Hana: Episode 5

Urgh, I just wish Menma doesn't interfere with shit. Just because nobody else but Jintan can see her that doesn't mean she can butt in whenever. Can't she see how crucial things are between Jintan and Yukiatsu? Can't she see how she affected them so? Gah! Sometimes I just want to shake her till her teeth rattle and knock some sense into her air head, ghost or not. She's invading...

17 May 2011

My top 10 reasons why you MUST watch Gintama

If anyone asked me what anime that they absolutely must watch at least once in their lifetime, I have only one answer to that question: GIN-fucking-TAMA. They will consequently asked why? What is it about Gintama that makes it so fucking great that your life would not be completed if you do not watch it? Well, besides not knowing what true happiness feels like, here are 10...

16 May 2011

The overdue diary of a tard: an introduction

Edit: I wrote this back in 2009. I'm no longer free lancing. I have weekdays job, weekend job, clothes-making business and taking orders for cake and cupcakes. I am no longer a manga whore like I used to be and work pretty much consumes most of my time nowadays. I just feel like posting this again just to remind myself of how big of a fan I am when it comes to anime and why...

Diary of a tard: Week 2, May 2011

Me and my fucked up scheduled. With just one week of vacation, I am already behind 3 weeks worth of anime. On top of that, I got food poisoning that shut down my body system for two days. Damn, time to catch up.Wednesday, May 11Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san episode 4 and 5. Grimiore gets on my nerves. He's not funny anymore, just obnoxious. I can't wait to see what Undine has...

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