Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 December 2009

A closure

It is the last day of 2009.What a year it has been. I was fairly depressed in the first half of the year. I discovered that the friends that I have were mostly superficial thus automatically made them assholes. I lived as a hikki during those time refusing any social real life interactions and basked myself with anime and manga and making friends on the interwebz that are...

30 December 2009

Kara no Kyoukai 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Part 1)

I am so glad that I chose to watch this again before I watch the 7th (and the last) movie of the series, which is Part 2 of the Satsujin Kousatsu.Because I am a sucker for romance (not in shoujo though. I am referring to the unconventional love story) I freaking love the theme in this movie. This is the movie that made me realized that Kara no Kyoukai, ultimately, is a romance...

29 December 2009

Anime of the decade

I know, everyone is making their list... So will I just to remind myself how satisfactory the decade has been in term of me being an animetard. Without further ado, here they are:OVAs of the decadeMnemosyne is one of the two OVA that got stuck in my head. The action and slight bloodfest made me a fan of it, not to mention the story that at first confuses me but gradually grows...

28 December 2009

Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei

I was in a mood for review as I re-watched all seven movies of Kara no Kyoukai hence why this periodic post dedicated to the movie is up (I abandoned my Pandora Hearts marathon for this although in reality I was just looking for an excuse).Kara no Kyoukai: Fukan Fuukei (Borderline of Emptiness: Overlooking View) is the first movie of this series. This is the movie that started...

27 December 2009

Eve no Jikan the Movie

Yep, they are going to make it into a movie. It would basically be the original scenes from the 6 episodes with some new additional scenes as well. It is set to be released next Spring.I'm pretty sure with some good editing it would be EPIC, since Eve no Jikan was epic to begin with. I thought they were going with season 2 whats with the lack of closure from the completion...

26 December 2009

Diary of a tard - week 4, December '09

Sunday, December 20Picked another seinen: Gunmania, from the same mangaka who does Drifters. You can pretty much tell what was going on from the title alone. Bloodfest all around. To top that off Bando is fucking funneh. Yummy!I greatly approved of his line of thoughts ^o^Yay! Got 3 more episodes done for Pandora Hearts. Jeez I really failed at marathon -__-Monday, December...

25 December 2009

Bleach: Chapter 387

Grr this week chapter is very late. I have been waiting all day! But all is well because color spread y'all! fucking w00t!!and BAM! Shinji's shikai! He fucking inverted the world!! *faps*Aizen said he did not sense any aura from his shikai and before he knew it he was caught in Shinji's inverted world. It was supposed to fuck the sense of it's enemy but holy mother of fuck...

24 December 2009

Are You Alice?

Another josei that I picked up recently. This manga pretty much is the alternate version of Alice in Wonderland with a little twist here and there. For example, this manga is full of bishie (one of the reason I picked it up in the first place).I saw Are You Alice in mangafox a couple of months back but for some reason was not interested in it at that time. When onemanga released...

23 December 2009

Bleach: Episode 251

Before anything else, allow me say this about Kouga: he has the right to ran amok and killed all those bastards for having such a blind faith on the Gotei 13. Their justice as far as I can see is fucked up. The Central 46 is full with bunch of selfish bastards who has their own agenda. The old fuck Yamaji doesn't have a brain to begin with so why he is the Captain Commander...

22 December 2009

Kubo the Troll

Lately the Bleach fandom has been in an uproar at the ridiculous plotkai plot twist that Kubo has presented us with. Demented fly? check. Useless wolf? check. Even more useless animal? check.Aye, Kubo who we knew loves big tities as much as he loves that ridiculous sunglasses has turned into a the world's most professional troll in manga fandom.Will I continue being a Bleachtard...

20 December 2009

My Top 10: Anime of 2009

Wow, another year has gone by. That was freaking fast.Anyway, once again SC posted a linked about the top 10 anime of 2009 thanks to the poll at 2ch. When I saw the list, I did not facepalm. The list is kinda better than the Anime Rag's 10 ten anime list. Having said that, I still disagree at some of the choices.Bakemonogatari (1231)Darker Than Black: Gemini of Meteor (805)Saki...

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