Wow, another year has gone by. That was freaking fast.
Anyway, once again SC posted a linked about the top 10 anime of 2009 thanks to the poll at 2ch. When I saw the list, I did not facepalm. The list is kinda better than the Anime Rag's 10 ten anime list. Having said that, I still disagree at some of the choices.
- Bakemonogatari (1231)
- Darker Than Black: Gemini of Meteor (805)
- Saki (704)
- K-ON! (582)
- Higashi no Eden (525)
- To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (456)
- Kimi ni Todoke (428)
- Taisho Yakyu Musume (238)
- Natsume's Book of Friends (209)
- Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (199)
If I would choose top 10 anime of 2009 that have impressed me, it would be (in no particular order):

Shangri-la. I still has not finished this show but from what I have seen so far, it is definitely one of the better anime out there. The art quality is amazing and maybe that is why I'm so biased towards this show despite that it was produced by Gonzo (RIP).
This show made my cried. And the story is something different. It's original or maybe I just think so because I live in a place that will probably never experience an earth quake or volcano eruption. Thanks the merciful god. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 definitely deserved to be in anyone's top ten anime list (of 2009).

Anyone who is into shounen must have been pretty excited when they heard the news that they are re-doing Fullmetal Alchemist. This time around they promised to stick to the manga, and that they did and renamed it Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I approved of this greatly.
Zoku Natsume Yuujincho is the second season of this awesome show. Those who have seen it will agree that this anime deserved a mention. So thank you 2ch for having that common sense.

Hatsukoi Limited is before the invasion of K-ON! Even though it has some moe moments in it, it still has more depth than K-ON! can ever dream to achieve. I am not a fan of shoujo but I rated this 9/10 in my review for a reason.

This one caught me by surprised. I didn't expect it to be so good. I didn't do the usual backgroud checking when I decided to download the episodes but boy I am so glad that I did. Like Shangri-La, the art captured my interest. Combined with a pretty decent story line, Sora wa Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai (or Munto for short) turned out to be one if it's kind in 2009.
Okay, I know what you were thinking. But hell, I loved it and I am biased as fuck. So The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya season 2 made it in my list. What a shock! Shuddup.
Higashi no Eden, if I'm correct, must be in everyone's list too. It is because the show is amazing. Enough said.
Kūchū Buranko or Trapeze is a no brainer. I am a fan of something different and Trapeze definitely bring that to the plate. The story is pretty solid too with a not-too-hidden message in every episodes. I like that. I like that a lot.
Okay to be honest, this one is I'm not too sure of. Maybe it is because I'm doing a marathon of the show at the moment that it influenced my choices but so far, it isn't too shabby of a choice. Pandora Hearts is pretty entertaining in my opinion and that made it a decent show.
Wow... that was hard. After looking at the list of 2009 anime, there were not really that many good anime this year compared to last year. If I am to compile a list of last year's anime I could do so with one eye closed.
Like I said, those 10 are /my/ anime list. I would probably have included Taisho Yakyuu Musume or Higurashi no Naku Koro ni if I've seen it. But since I have not, I have to reserved my opinion although I'm pretty sure Higurashi no Naku Koro ni will easily be in my list if the first season what it was based upon.
God, I really hope 2010 would be a good year for anime production. 2009's are quite an abomination (I like to exaggerate >3).
Definite: Eden of the East, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, DTB Gemini
Very promising but haven't finished them: FMA Brotherhood, Bakemonogatari
No, Pandora Heart is, eventually, too incomplete to be considered as one of the top ten(though it's fun enough).
yeah I thought so too but there aren't that many anime of 2009 that I have watched that I can choose from. Like I said, Higurashi would probably takes Pandora Hearts place when I finally get the chance to complete it
Nyan Koi? Queen's Blade? QUEEN'S BLADE!!!???? WHERE IS QUEEN'S BLADE!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Queen's Blade.
Al long as K-On isn't on the list, it's legit.
I'm sorry to disappoint you Glo but I'm allergic to Queen's Blade and... cat :P
I don't watch enough anime... I haven't seen any of your top 10 for 2009. :(
what? not even Haruhi Suzumiya? O_o
I didn't finish second season. Never got past Endless Eight. :(
About SC's list, despite liking Saki and Taishyo Yakyu Musume. I'd have to say that it does not deserve a top 10 spot. I haven't watched the others so I'll refrain.
You've got to give Munto Tv a try. Me and klux has slightly contradicting tastes in anime. But both of us agreed on Munto TV being awesome. That has got to mean something. Xp
Right klux?
actually we are not THAT different. Although I won't give most of your 5-star anime 10/10, there are a few that I recognized that are in my highest rank too
oh wait, I forgot that you didn't like Haruhi Suzuimya. You sucks, blur! X(
You know what. I SO TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU for Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. You know that this anime was created by a bunch of scientist and not actually real anime creator? It was all part of plan to see the possibilities if an earthquake of a high magnitude level occured in the center of Tokyo. In manga, there are like 7 others volume, but they choose this one to represent the series as an anime. I have to say : ITS ONE OF THE BEST WORK IVE SEEN ON AN ANIME. For the quality of the story, i say. For the graphic work, im still a Ponyo fan or Le portrait de petite Cosette.
Oh and Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 was.. well .. heartbreaking T^T...
That's an interesting fact indeed. I didn't read the manga so I didn't know that. The part with her brother is heart wrenching indeed.
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