Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

28 August 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, August 2011

Thursday, August 25 Bleach chapter 461 is out. Morita-san wa Mukuchi episode 8: It's the mandatory episode of summer festival. The four girls are wearing yukata (which they borrowed from Mayu's mom) to the festival. While they are having fun, Miki's obi needs to be tightened up so Mayu is helping her out in the bushes. Unfortunately Mayu isn't as skill as her mother. She...

26 August 2011

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 18

I need to catch up on a lot of anime since I've been neglecting them this past couple of weeks. I guess I will start with Ao no Exorcist since I decided to do an episodic review with the show. There is no point writing an episodic review for a stale episode. The episode starts with Rin and Izumo getting attack by a bird demon. If Yukio has not showed up, Rin would have been...

25 August 2011

Bleach: Chapter 461

Mangastream is a bit slow this week. Thank goodness for internet for I found the latest chapter on mangareader.net. Ginjou is basically peeing in his pantsu when he saw the kind of power behind Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou attack. The look on his face is almost comical. He must have regretted all the stupid words he said earlier and lucky for him, Ichigo 'missed'. Ginjou does...

21 August 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 3, August 2011

Monday, August 15 Kamisama Dolls episode 2: Not everyone can be a Seki. Apparently you are chosen by the village. Kyouhei, Aki and Utao are the (un)fortunate ones. As Kyouhei and Utao practicing with Kukuri, there's this explosion at the club house thanks to a mental female. They send Kukuri to check it out and what a big mistake it is since that mental female loves supernatural/unexplainable...

20 August 2011

No. 6: Episode 7

I kinda have an idea that we are not being trolled like I thought we might for this episode, thanks to all the twitter spoilers that I have seen. It's definitely something that I look forward to but some people is dropping this show precisely because of 'that'. I wanna say that people should stop being so prejudice. It's not like the show showed us they are having sex, with...

18 August 2011

Bleach: Chapter 460

After a week of absence, Bleach is back with a color spread! Appropriately so too because Bleach is celebrating it's 10th year anniversary. Can you believe that? It has been 10 years since I first read the first chapter and still looking forward to read more chapters. What really got me excited though is the fact that Rukia and Ichigo get another colored spread together, ...

17 August 2011

First Impression - Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise

Looking at the cast, I am pretty sure if anyone is going to watch this show, it's Glo the fucking legend. He has a quest to watch all Rie Kugumiya's anime and J.C. Staff is one of his favorite production studio. (c) Kantoku I often has disagreement with him when it comes to Rie. The only character of hers that I like is Kagura from Gintama but that has to do with the series...

16 August 2011

No. 6: Episode 6

I forgot how freaking big this man made city of No.6 is. Thanks to Safu who has returned to No.6 to attend her grandmother's funeral, I am reminded again how vast the city is, with big rivers and mountains. It definitely an ideal place to live in. Going to another city definitely has done Safu good. She sees things a tad differently now. She starts questioning the things...

15 August 2011

My Top 10: Most Hated Anime

I have been neglecting this project of mine for a few months now. The last top 10 I did is about my favorite Bleach characters back in June. That was harder than I thought it would be. This one would be much harder still because I usually just pretty much dropped any anime that pissed me off. So this will pretty much be a list of anime that I have watched and completed but...

14 August 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 2, August 2011

Monday, August 8 Episode 5 of Ikoku Meiro no Croisée: It says that Japan has a group mentality where one person would like doing stuff that others do as well. This makes me remember what my friend who studied in Japan said. He said that they really do stay in group and even if the rest of the group are absent, s/he rather be alone than communicate with other groups. On the...

13 August 2011

First Impression: Nekogami Yaoyorozu

Most often than not, I find any anime with neko as the theme as predictable and full of moe. Those are among the elements of anime that I dislike the most. However, I will (try) not to watch this show with that kind of a mindset. After all, there is always a first, right? Here I am hoping that I have a great tolerance for the neko. Shamo gotta be my favorite nekogami so...

11 August 2011

First Impression: Kamisama Dolls

Watching the first minute of the episode got me so confused. The distress that they want to portray definitely shines through for I do not know what the fuck is going on. Maybe because I don't expect to see mecha in this show. Blame me for ignoring the synopsis and other posts regarding this show to avoid spoilers. (c) Robata /distraction/ Damn have you seen the rack on...

Ao no Exorcist: Episode 17

Angel and Shura are the first line of defense against the raging Amaimon though like I have predicted, both of them combined are no match for the Earth King. It wouldn't make a good story if they could defeat him now, would it? heh all they could defeat is Behemoth, his beloved demon pet. By doing that, they just further angered Amaimon and befitting with his nicknamed as...

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