Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 November 2009

Top 10 Anime WTF?

Anime Rags has done it again. They have came up with the ranking for Top 10 Anime. When I saw the list I was like... WTF?Macross FFullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodHetalia Axis PowerKobatoGundam 00K-ON!Code Geass R2Darker Than BlackFairy TailSora no OtoshimonoI assumed the list is not limited to fall season but freaking jeebus... is this for damn real?! *facepalm*It just goes...

28 November 2009

Diary of a tard - week 4, November '09

Sunday, November 22Kuroshitsuji OVA wasn't bad but it wasn't good either =\To Aru Kagaku no Railgun episode 8 is about Level Upper but pfft forget about that. There is something that bugging me for quite sometime. When I saw Misaka and Saten spoon fed each other, it kinda pop in my head and I knew I just had to address it. Was it such a big deal when you used your spoon/straw/whatever...

27 November 2009

Bleach: Chapter 383

Bleach is back this week. The scuffle between Byakuya and Kenpachi continues and Yammy becomes the "victim". And what do you know, apparently the giant dinasour Yammy isn't his last release. As he gets angrier, the bigger he gets.This is his ultimate release >_>Meh I wasn't the slightest bit impressed by it. Bigger doesn't mean better. It just mean that he can talked...

26 November 2009

Kuroshitsuji OVA

fanart by muse33This OVA which was titled "Sono Shitsuji, Kougyou" is the extra episode included in the DVD. It was released on September 30th.The OVA was pretty much about the stage play the Funtom Company organized for the children. However, three days before the play Ciel received news that the performers were met with an accident thus couldn't make it in time for the presentation.So...

25 November 2009

Bleach: Episode 247

It was gay that Yourichi took longer than necessary to finish off Haineko and Tobiume. Wasn't she an ex-captain AND the head of Special Cops? Phailed. The same for Kenpachi. Just fucking blow the cave off with his reiatsu already. Have they forgotten that they were there to save the old fuck?The fight between Shunsui and his zanpaktous however was pretty good. He was laid...

24 November 2009


Men should be glad that they are blessed with a pair of balls and one analog stick instead of a vagina. They do not have to go through menstrual cycle every month.I was not well since yesterday because it is that time of the month again. It sucks when your body kinda shut down on you against your own will. Not to mention the mood swings.I want to kick people's balls for no...

23 November 2009

Is Kubo a senile old fart now?

Remember in the last chapter when Ichigo said Inoue healed him back at the top of the dome? Okay, here's the problem... Ichigo did not have a wound after he was finished with Ulquiorra! All his wounds were healed/regenerated thanks to his badass hollow powers (chapter 353). Even the hole in his chest was healed, wasn't it?So...Recap on chapter 382 >_>Did Kubo forgot...

21 November 2009

Diary of a tard - week 3, November '09

Sunday, November 15Thank goodness that they continue with the graviton case in episode 7 of To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Like I suspected the guy that was bullied in last chapter is the culprit. They can't be anymore obvious... I can't blame him for being that psychotic though. I probably would too. This kinda highlight how useless Judgement is. Hehe anyway, I love it whenever...

20 November 2009

xxxHolic Shunmuki

I am kinda a fan of xxxHolic. I enjoyed both of the seasons and I think Doumeki is hot. But that is out of topic.xxxHolic Shumuki is the OVA which was released in winter 2008 and consists of 2 episodes.The story pretty much is basically a short continuation from the second season. Watanuki has to repay the price to those people who have saved him back then: Himawari - the...

18 November 2009

Bleach: Episode 246

I gotta give credit to dattebayo for coming up with this message this week: Yamaji was caught up in one of those dreadful pyramid schemes. It made me laughed.Holy shit! Muramasa revealed that the three zanpaktous (which belongs to the three senior captains) have equal strength to the old fuck? Hahaha, someone should tell this to Aizen XDThe fact that Byakuya and Ichigo were...

17 November 2009


I picked up another manga. I know... I totally need to be disciplined! -__-Anyway, since di(e)ce is a josei, you can bet your shiny ass that all the bishies are freaking delectable. Which pretty much explained why I picked this up in the first place. I swear bishounen is my ultimate weakness!Kazuki Naruse is the King of Setoukou school, and share the same face as Haruki Koutake...

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