Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 July 2012

First Impression: Binbougami ga!

I'm checking all these stupid shows so that you don't have to. Aren't I nice or aren't I nice? But in all honesty, I don't think this show is going to be bad if they managed to get the comedy to be actually funny for a change. So I'm crossing my finger and hope that it will manage to make me laugh at least once. (c) Petarou Binbougami ga! is about Mimoji who is the...

29 July 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 4, July 2012

Monday, July 23 Tsuritama episode 9: the whole of Enoshima has been evacuated due to the mass attack on people by the JFX. Haru and Koko tried to stop the alien but Koko was killed in the process. Due to this Haru went back to Enoshima and helped with the evacuation. He sent Yuki away as well who is coming back to Enoshima to help Haru. Akira on the other hand has sorta left...

First Impression: Campione!

Magical shit and harem loves comedy are two things that I am not really fond of so from the beginning I have this notion that this show is either gonna makes me rage, or it will makes me rage. I hope by the end of this first episode, it will present a third option for me. I don't have to like it, but it has to be tolerable at least. (c) sikorsky Campione! is about Godou...

27 July 2012

First Impression: Chitose Get You!!

Chitose Get You! is another 3 minutes anime that aired this season and I wasn't so fond of the idea behind the story, especially since the way it was drawn, Chitose looks like a kindergarten kid to me than an 11 year old kid. This show is about Chitose obsessing over her male teacher. This reminds me a lot of Hanamaru Youchien that was aired back in Winter 2009 and my...

25 July 2012

Asa Made Jugyou Chu! (OVA)

When I checked MAL for info on this OVA, there are few things that stood out that made me cringed. Shall I list down the shit that I already end up hating about this show even before I see it? Alright then. First up, like I said in my preview, most of the anime shows will have the exclamation mark in it (except for Working!! because that's from A-1 Pictures and is awesome...

24 July 2012

First Impression: Oda Nobuna no Yabou

I find myself attracted to anything historical as of late. First it was the Shinsengumi era, then the Nobunaga era. Besides, this one is produced by Madhouse so I expect something tolerable if not great. I did change my mind about it when I saw the character designs so at least they have done something right there. Ambition of Oda Nobuna is pretty much like any other anime...

23 July 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 3, July 2012

Monday, July 16 Moyashimon Returns episode 2: Oikawa is not giving up about the dungeon she found in episode 1. She dragged Sawaki to help her investigate, which in turn told the two nerds. Oikawa was touched that they believed her regardless. On the other hand, Hasegawa is being pressured by her dad about marriage and the professor ain't happy that Oikawa was sneaking around...

18 July 2012

First Impression: Kokoro Connect

When I did the preview for Summer, I was under the impression that Kokoro Connect will be about gender bender and honestly that what caught my interest about this show. I hope my expectation will be fulfilled and it is not just another generic slice of life anime that reminds me of K-ON. Kokoro Connect is about five students who formed a Student Cultural Club because they...

12 July 2012

First Impression: Sword Art Online

One of the few anime I look forward to this season for the simple fact that it is produced by A-1 Pictures. Yes, I am officially a studio-fag now. Sword Art Online is a virtual game that allowed the players get into the game and mentally moves their body like they normally would. It was the first day the game was released officially and thousands of players gathered...

08 July 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 1, July 2012

Thursday, July 5 Reading a shounen ai (read: yaoi but no smut) with title Okujou no Bai-bai. I knew about this one-shot manga when I searched for an image to be used on my second post about crush. It's a really sweet manga focuses on two friends who finally become homo because one of the reacted following to his feelings and thus the other realized that he's exclusively homo...

First Impression: Moyashimon Returns

Moyashimon is one of the few anime that I keep wishing for a second season and for once my wish is granted. But somewhat I feel like the first episode fall short of my expectation. Or maybe I just have a bad that and that influenced my enjoyment for the show. Moyashimon Returns still featured the cast from the first season. Sawaki can still see all the microbes and everyone...

07 July 2012

First Impression: Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu - Uta Koi

I have high hopes for Utakoi because I am a sucker for romance. Thank goodness that this show delivers what it has promised. It has the necessary elements that made the translation and adaptation of  the poetry works exceptionally well. The strength of this show definitely lies with the romance story line which is narrated by Fujiwara no Sadae, brother of Fujiwara...

06 July 2012

Light Writings: Crush II

Welp, looks like we are having this conversation again after so many years. Well 2 years and 3 months to be exact. The last time I wrote about my crush, I was in a different state of mind where I know it can be nothing more than just that, a crush. So many shits are at stake and me being me, I let everything go. And I do mean everything, for the sake of entertaining this...

05 July 2012

First Impression: Tari Tari

After watching Tari Tari, this show is definitely going to be included in my MUST WATCH list for this season. Having said that I still have no idea why. I just like the overall feelings I get from watching it and the fact that in this episode, the choir sang Reflectia by Eufonius, was totally made of win. Tari Tari is somewhat a musical based show where the focus...

04 July 2012

Bleach: Chapter 499

Soul Society is lucky as fuck since it looks like Ichigo is always available whenever they need him. As Ichigo runs (he fucking runs!) to Soul Society, he was briefed by Akon about the dire situation in Soul Society. They made a point to point out that neither Rukia or Renji was injured. However, they still have zero information about the Quincy. pathetic Urahara stepped...

03 July 2012

First Impression: Arcana Famiglia

For the first five minutes of the show, I was cringing with disappointment. I thought the setup of the story was too bland as J.C. Staff chose to introduce the Arcana Family through some street brawling. It wasn't impressive at all. Even more so when I found out that this show is categorized as romance and shoujo. I was expecting some good action shounen anime >_> Regilo...

02 July 2012

Diary of a tard: Week 4, June 2012

Thursday, June 28 It has been a while since I read any manga and since I'm in the office and has nothing better to do, as I wait the love of my life to arrive, I thought hey lets read some. Of all the manga, I ended up picking Zettai Karen Children. Despite the loli, I still like the manga a lot. Sometimes, I don't understand my own taste in anime/manga. Chapter 248-254:...

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