Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 April 2010

Diary of a tard - Week 4, April 2010

Saturday, April 24Going to start the weekend diary with Giant Killing episode 3. In the last episode, Tatsumi asked the team to do self-practice and left the pitch. He and the coach observed them to see how they fare without having to be ordered around. Tatsumi just doesn't want them to be complacent and have it easy. Of course the situation heated up between the regulars...

29 April 2010

The removal of matured content manga

Yeah, the interweb, specifically those who is a tard for manga like yours truly, has been buzzing with the rumor of Google and Viz being a dick by requesting manga sites like mangafox and onemanga to remove manga that has either lolicon and/or matured and/or adult tag.Some of the manga in questions have their tag removed or changed. Some were denied access altogether.I can...

Bleach: Episode 268

I feel like I should stop watching the anime for the time being. It just not worth it is I only get pissed every time I watch it. I blame it on Inoue.bitchBut lets forget about the useless bitch. I'm gonna pretend that she doesn't exist for now. I'm not even going to bother about those two arrancars raping her. She deserved it anyway. Besides she can fend for herself but chose...

27 April 2010

Negaigoto 300000km/s

One of the reason I picked this one up is because it was from the same mangaka, Megumi Kouji, who did Bloody Monday which I read but have to put on hold because life gets too busy for me.This one is a romantic shounen one-shot, telling the story of two friends who have to part ways because one of them is furthering their study in the city. The manga start with them as a child,...

25 April 2010

Angel Beats! episode 4

Yui wants to replace Iwasawa in episode 4 of Angel Beats! Urgh does this mean Iwasawa ain't coming back? Oh man :(yeah, she definitely looks the part >_>This week they are illegally participating in a ball tournament so Otonashi and Hinata go around campus looking for a team-mate. Unfortunately the one Hinata has in mind have all joined other teams. So they end up...

Heroman: Episode 4

I dunno why am I always feel the need to do an episodic review on series that I don't enjoy but yeah here I am having Heroman for breakfast on a Sunday morning.I dunno why America hasn't think of this yet. They should just get a few trucks containing aerosol and blast it to the roaches. No matter how you look at it, they are just a giant cockroaches.As Joey, his grandma and...

24 April 2010

Diary of a tard - Week 3, April 2010

Sunday, April 18I dunno how did I miss the update of Hyakko chapter 37. The update was dated back in January! The battle continues. I didn't know that the teachers are joining as well. Suzume and Ode seem unstoppable until Kitsune started scheming with Takaya and Shishimaru to take down his rivals.Angel Beats! episode 3: Hehe this shit of a show is so made out of win. The...

Countdown 7 Days

Countdown 7 Days is a one-shot from the same mangaka that does Replica, Karakara Kemuri. This one shot tells the story of Mitamura. He is cold, sly damned glasses wearing jerk. One day he met Onigawara Hanasuke who doesn't realized that he was dead. Sixth Sense anyone?I was not sure whether or not to picked this up until I read this:That panel made me laugh so considered I'm...

22 April 2010

Arakawa Under the Bridge: Episode 3

I guess it is a trademark for Arikawa to start their episodes with some deep meaningful words. Can't say that I don't like it though because I do. They hit quite close to home ^^In episode 18, we discovered that Nino is a sleepwalker. She usually ends up at Kou/Ric's place. Since Nino is the girl everyone wants to end up with, Kou has quite a few enemy. One of them is Hoshi...

Bleach: Chapter 401

Okay, if the Hougyoku has a will on its own, why wasn't it has any effect on Rukia? Or did it? Hmm....Holy fuck? O_oI... am speechless...and just when I have words to say about Aizen transforming, I was once again rendered speechless by the appearance of Urahara Kisuke....ZOMGWTFBBQ!! *does a jig*I think I went my pantsu ^^edit: The appearance of Urahara negates all the other...

21 April 2010

Bleach: Episode 267

Until the fights move to the real world, I'll be totally pissed with every upcoming episodes because I know what to expect, especially from Whore-Hime. Jeez, if I need a reason to skip all the upcoming episodes, it is because of her. She fucking pissed me off with her over-the-top damsel in distress attitude. Fucking whore.Let the fucking chanting begin.I'm so gonna count...

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