Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

21 November 2007

Ah fuck it!

I went to Uda, temankan Z/A ke CIMB and help him uruskan beberapa perkara. Hati dah rasa tak sedap all day and I wasn't in a good mood at all.Sampai Uda kena lak amik tiket metro parking. Because I'm petit (ignoring the word short), tangan tak sampai which mean I have to open the door to get the tix. Fine. So I opened the door. All my belongings bertabur atas jalan. Dah jadi...

15 November 2007

Lovely Complex

Well, how should I put this...Lovely Complex quickly become one of my favorite romance comedy anime (Honey & Clover still stays on top of the list though). It was fucking hilarious!Koizumi Risa is a very tall girl -172cm while Ootani Atshushi is a short boy - 156cm. On first day of school, their teacher dubbed them as the "All Hanshin-Kyojin" (look up what it means yourself...

10 November 2007


I'm holding on your rope,Got me ten feet off the groundI'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down, but waitYou tell me that you're sorryDidn't think I'd turn around, and say...It's too late to apologize, it's too lateI'd take another chance, take a fallTake a shot for youAnd I need you like a heart needs a beatBut it's nothin newI loved you with a fire red-Now it's turning blue, and you say..."Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was youBut I'm afraid...It's too late to apologize,...

06 November 2007

I said yes

I know you'll be leaving in 5 minutes, and who knows when you'll be backI know everyone would probably say that it is a big mistakeAnd I know I'm gonna get my heart broken for real this timeBut maybe it's worth itDon't ask me if I'm sureI just said yes, didn't...

23 October 2007

motoGP 07 trip

Punya la kepenatan gila. Dah la malam tak boleh nak tido, kepala kusut gila. Pulak tu hari semalamnya baru ada drama hebat terjadi. Pergh, hidup hidup....Around 7 bertolak ke rumah F/O. Biasalah kalau dah janji pukul 7 pukul 7 la cik sampai but si bangang N/M boleh call bagitau baru bangun tido. Pergh baran gila. Kitorang tunggu dia tiba sampai pukul 10. Celaka tol. Janji memang jenis janji tamil! Yang makin cik membara tu he acted like nothing happened, as if he's hasn't sin. What the fuck la oi?!So I drive all the way to Sepang. Plan nak straight...

21 October 2007

emotional distress

He's no longer missing/lost without a trace. At least he has fulfilled his promises for now. Maybe in two weeks time he'll be gone again though. Cross my finger that it wasn't because of what I did.Anyway, for no apparent reason I was in an emotional distress yesterday. I woke up to a sore body and a trouble mind.I cried a lot too.Which something that I am not used to.I cried because I miss my grandad.I cried because for the first time I learn how it feels to really miss somebody.I cried because I wish some misunderstanding can be rectified.I cried...

17 October 2007

Hilang tanpa pesan

Jauh perjalananMencari intan pujaanAduhai dimana TuanMengapa pergi tanpa pamitanLembah kuturuniBukit nan tinggi kudakiAduhai tak kunjung jumpaMengapa hilang tak tentu rimbaLaut hempaskanku padanyaBintang tunjukkan arahOh angin bisikanlah mana diaHati cemas bimbangHarapan timbul tenggelamAduhai permata hatiMungkinkah kelak bersua lagip/s: Not another broken promises, eh de...

02 October 2007

5 centimeters per second

5 centimeters per second, that's the speed at which cherry blossom fall.One of the most romantic film I had ever seen. It is a pretty much serious story about two people, Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari who had been friends since primary school but gradually grow farther apart as time moves on.They were practically inseparable when they were kids but they become separated...

25 September 2007

I've been tagged

This is the first time i've been tagged. Thanks to wan pablo (couldn't wait to read about your trip btw).So here goes...5 things in my bag:- Braun Buffel purse- Anna Karenina's book that I'm currently reading- house keys- toothbrush (you gotta carry this everywhere if you are wearing braces)- handphones5 things in my wallet:- the usual cards- receipts from my dentist trip- my dentist appointment card- an angpau that is yet to be opened (for rainy days)- few malaysian ringgit (and some sen)5 favourite things in my favourite room:that would be my...

19 September 2007

Sebelum cahaya

Ku teringat hatiYang bertabur mimpiKemana kau pergi cintaPerjalanan sunyiEngkau tempuh sendiriKuatkanlah hati cintaIngatkan engkau kepadaEmbun pagi bersahajaYang menemanimu sebelum cahayaIngatkan engkau kepadaAngin yang berhembus mesraYang kan membelaimu cintaKekuatan hati yang berpegang janjiGenggamlah tanganku cintaKu tak akan pergi meninggalkanmu sendiriTemani hatimu ci...

11 September 2007

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

I'm in a state of bliss.I remember saying that I'd stop caring. Seems like He got other plans for me. Allahuakhbar.And His timing is perfect.I am not saying that I'll ended up marrying this guy. lol no!It just that somehow he makes me feels wholesome. Not just some empty vessel. He called today. Explaining his disappearing act.I don't mind really.Because I know no matter what, he's there.Just knowing that fact, he already made my day.Funny isn't it how he, who was insignificant 4 months ago are making a huge impact in my life.With just a phone...

04 September 2007

Tukang serba boleh

Sejak dua menjak ni I've acquired new skills: menjahit.Ceritanya camni...Baju kurung aku memang selama ni tak ada orang lain yang jahit melainkan makcik aku but since she decided to retired couple of years ago, aku langsung tak ada buat baju kurung lagi dah because aku tau aku takkan selesa pakai baju kurung orang lain jahit.So to make long story short, it has been two years since I have new baju kurung for raya. I decided then that whatever happens, I must have new baju kurung for this year's EID.Since I have too much free time on my hand, aku...

03 September 2007

Conspiracy theory

Tergelak besar aku baca teori konspirasi datuk harimau.Memang benar kata-katan...

30 August 2007

It's merdeka, let me speak

Looking back to look ahead.That's what Lim Kit Siang said in his conversation with theSun on August 23, 2007. His first answer on that interview makes me wanted to turn the pages to read the rest of the article.Q: We are coming up to 50 years soon, so what do you think we have achieved in that time?LKS: I think it's a very mixed result. I think when we achieved independence 50 years ago and then with Sabah and Sarawak we formed the Malaysian federation, we all had one aspiration - that we would become more Malaysian over the years. Which...

29 August 2007

Hey you, I'm still young la!

I went to visit Luth today so masa sampai tu there were four nurses yang datang melawat K/N gak. Dah agak lama lepak dan ketika aku sedang mendukung Luth, one of the nurse (lets call them nurse1, nurse2 and so on to avoid confusion) asked my mom bila tarikh SPM.lol my mom pun pening lalat la because that nurse tanya soalan pengetahuan am tetiba kat dia. Bukan setakat my mom jer, yang lain pun dah garuk kepala (literally). My mom answered la that she does not have a clue.Then nurse2 sambung: "Eh bukan anak akak (meaning me!) ambil SPM ke tahun ni?"wakakaka,...

28 August 2007

Pictures of Luth

Sapa nak tengok Luth, sila la ke my family blog: brethrenbr...

26 August 2007

Turkish GP

Grand Prix Turkey pasti menjanjikan perlumbaan yang mencabar selepas sessi kelayakan yang sengit antara Ferrari dan McLaren semalam, dengan Felipe Massa merampas posisi pertama dari Lewis Hamilton. Kimi Raikkonen dan Fernando Alonso masing-masing akan memulakan perlumbaan di grid kedua.Pasukan BMW Sauber tidak kurang hebatnya dengan Robert Kubica di tempat ke lima dan Nick...

24 August 2007

Luth is finally here

Alhamdulillah, today I got myself anak saudara baru.His name is Luth. The most anticipated baby of the year. He'll definitely will be my favorite. I just soooo bias when it comes to baby boy. heheSo nak cerita sikit on how he was delivered into this world of ours.K/N was admitted to the hospital around 2am yesterday and at 3am her contractions were between every 4 minutes. She was in labur pain for more than 12 hours. At 5pm, jalan dah buka 8cm, but still she couldn't give birth. So at 6.15pm the doctor decide to do a Cesar. 6.30pm K/N went to...

22 August 2007

Iklan jual diri

lol, got this idea from a book I am currently reading. Sounds like fun! So here goes:Masih muda bergetahdengan ketinggian 5 kaki 2 incibadan kecil molekkulit tak la putih sangat tapi kira cerah la jugaksuka gila dengan Formula Oneseorang penyokong Chelsea FCsekolah tak tinggi mana tapi pandaiberkebolehan untuk memasak, berkebun, menjahit, jaga anak dan segala macam yang seorang isteri patut mahirdalam erti kata lain, pakej yang lengkap!berminat? sila hubungi jabatan pendaftaran negarap/s: lintah horny! aku tau! hahahhaha!...

10 August 2007

Is it wrong

Salahkah bila ku menduaSalahkah bila semua dapat ku tak lagi merasakan engkau adaDan cintaku seolah jenuh akan hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan ku sendiriCukup bagi diriku melukai hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan akuMungkin kau akan bahagia dengan dia, yang lainTak perlu kau memohon untuk kembaliTak perlu kau memohon cintakuTiada lagi ruang di hatiku yang tersisa untuk muKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan ku sendiriCukup bagi diriku melukai hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan...

05 August 2007

Hungarian GP

Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro moved to within 19 points of Championship leaders McLaren Mercedes after Kimi Raikkonen scored eight points for Ferrari at the Hungarian Grand Prix yesterday and McLaren failed to score. This followed a stewards' ruling against McLaren after they were judged to have imposed orders which cost Lewis Hamilton the chance of a second qualifying run in...

01 August 2007

My drool factor at the moment

Yes... I think he's h...


a silent move that we makewhen we awake my consciencecome and going come and goa troubled mind and twisted handwe use everytime this everytime… all the sentimental feelingthat sometimes makes our heart burningwe surrender to a strong desireignorant to the needs of otherlittle whisper of little voicesthat calls when we make desperate choicesare we that oblivious?so insensitive so many choices to be madeso little time to decideso little guilt on our s...

27 July 2007


This book review is long over due, just like many other books that I’ve yet to review. I read this on my trip to negeri di bawah bayu back in May. Those who know me would have known that I am a fan of the movie Sleepers. I remember watching that movie when I was still in secondary school and it leaves such an impact. The horrible things men do to satisfy themselves…I learn...

26 July 2007

Simpsons the Movie

A classic Simpsons this movie is. I started laughing from the minute the 20th Fox Entertainment gets on the screen till the very end. And I wasn't the only one. You'll see what I mean when you go and watch it (and you must!)The story begins with Green Day performing on the river. As many other rock stars that visited Springfields, they faced the same fate. At their memorial...

25 July 2007

Honey and Clover II

I was first introduced with this anime when it was shown on Astro channel 25 but unfortunately I was not able to follow the series. I bought the DVD last week (both season 1 and 2) and once I started I could not stop. Nevermind if I have to be awake at 4am in the morning as long as I finish it. It was addicted and with every chapter I fall in love more and more with the characters....

22 July 2007

European GP

Massa finished second in the surviving Ferrari, and Mark Webber gave the Red Bull Racing team its first podium of the year with third place. The rain played a major role in the outcome of the race, and for the first time in several years the grand prix was red-flagged!As the 22 cars lined up on the grid threatening clouds loomed over the circuit. The track temperature...

13 July 2007

Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix

As a Harry Potter fan I am definitely not going to pass up the opportunity to see Order of the Phoenix. To tell you the truth, I am not a fan of its book initially. When I first read it, I was really fed-up with Harry's bitter attitude. Then the Half Blood Prince was released. As it's released was nearly one year after, I read Order of the Phoenix again and for some reason...

11 July 2007

Lesson to learn

This is me at 3:29am on Wednesday morning, July 11, 2007. My head feels like it is going to explode. Keep thinking about the past the present the future. I’ve learnt many things in the past. I’ve learned the joy of being in love. I’ve learned how weird it felt when I got my heart broken. I’ve learned that I was lost when I lose my best friends. I’ve learned to live...

08 July 2007

British GP

Kini kita beralih ke perlumbaan ke-9 dalam kalendar Formula One di Silverstone, Britain. 7 daripada 11 pasukan Formula One berasal dari Britain maka perlumbaan di Silverstone dianggap sebagai perlumbaan di ‘rumah’ sendiri oleh kebanyakan pasukan ini. Begitu juga untuk empat orang pemandu Formula One iaitu Lewis Hamilton, Anthony Davidson, Jenson Button and David Coulthard.Namun...

05 July 2007

Die Hard 4.0

Live Free or Die Hard Remember inspector John McClane? If you are a die hard fans of Die Hard (pun intended), you wouldn’t need to google the name. Yep, the coolest NYPD detective is back! Like the rest of die hard films which received rave reviews from critics, this one is no exception. It is an action pack movie from start to end with light humor here and there. The...

01 July 2007

France GP

Publish PostSelamat datang ke perlumbaan ke-8 dalam kalendar Formula 1 di Magny-Cours, Perancis. Ini mungkin perlumbaan terakhir untuk litar ini kerana ada ura-ura yang mengatakan Bernie Ecclestone tidak akan memasukkan litar ini untuk perlumbaan-perlumbaan Formula 1 pada tahun-tahun akan datang bagi memberi laluan kepada litar-litar baru seperti litar Turkey dan Singapura.Ferrari...

28 June 2007


The film was FUCKING AWESOME!!! It's worth the 20 years of waiting. Michael Bay does not disappoint. There are no boring scene in this movie. Not even once. You will be on edge throughout the whole movie. The slow-mo scene makes me wanna weep, every single time. It contain the best SFX in history. AMPAS may as well just hand ILM the Oscar now, as no film will even come...

17 June 2007

United States GP

Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro drivers Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen finished a solid third and fourth in the heat of Sunday's US Grand Prix at Indianapolis, seventh round of the FIA's Formula One World Championship. The pair finished 11.3s behind the all-powerful McLaren Mercedes pairing of Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso who were just as close as the Ferrari pair for most...

11 June 2007

Movie mania

It has been a while since my last post. For some reason, only known to me and my closest acquaintance, I disappeared from the face of the earth for a while(figuratively speaking of course). Hehehe, no I didn't go that near to hell on my trip to self discovery.So the summer blockbusters are in full swing. For three straight weeks I have been very busy catching up to the latest...

We are reunited at last

After nearly ten years I haven't heard or seen him, last fortnight, by God's grace we found each other again. I guess that last episodes of my life is a blessing in disguise. Alhamdulillah. p/s: uwaaa rindu kat hang Linta...

10 June 2007

Canadian GP

Perlumbaan Grand Prix Kanada bermula tanpa sebarang kemalangan. Cuaca yang baik menyambut pemandu-pemandu Formula One di litar Gilles Villeneuve. Hamilton memecut laju untuk mendahului perlumbaan. Alonso melakukan kesilapan pada awal permulaan apabila beliau cuba untuk memintas Hamilton lalu membenarkan Heidfeld untuk memintasnya. Massa pula berada ditempat keempat. Raikkonen...

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