Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

31 October 2009

Diary of a tard - week 5, October '09

Sunday, October 25I feel sad for Telieshin after he revealed his destiny in Tears to Tiara episode 19 and I'm confused of Epona's gender. Is she a she or a he? Telieshin referred to her as the prince. What the hell?hehehe I totally went on giggling mode when I saw Touma in To Aru Kagaku no Railgun episode 4. I surprised myself. Was I indeed that much of a fangirl? Anyway this...

30 October 2009

Bleach: Chapter 380

I love what I see in the earlier pages of this week chapter. It has been a while since we saw any comical expression from Ichigo, or anyone else for that matter. I missed the old days when Bleach was funny.*squirts*I seriously have issues with Kenpachi. Why the fuck was he attacking Ichigo? Priorities man! Priorities! Stupid man with no brain... Humbug!Let him has his way...

29 October 2009

Kyou no Go no Ni OVA 2: Treasure Chest

The class of 5-2 is back to bring more of the subtle mature humor in this OAD! Say aye class! AYE!!!As usual the girls and the boys are against each other, competing and arguing about every single things. The OAD has 4 segments. It start with them having to clean their school backyard (it was summer). Then the boys found a pillbug and were fascinated by it. Of course the girls...

28 October 2009

Bleach: Episode 243

Oh we have a new OP and ED theme for the episode. I lost count and not sure what the numbers are for both the OP and ED. I know I will grow to like them in no time, like I always will when it comes to Bleach's theme songs. I already like the seriously badass looks on the shinigami in the OP vid.As for the ED... what can a humble person like me who is totally gay for Rukia...

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball

For some reason my head was so full of shit yesterday, it makes me want to drop everything and go see a movie or something to reset the brain mechanism. So I did exactly that. As it was spur of the moment thingy, I just went to the theater and purchase the ticket for whichever movie that was playing next, which was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball.I came with little to no...

27 October 2009

Preview of Nendoroid Tainaka Ritsu

Mika-tan has been generous enough to leak these pictures of Nendoroid Tainaka Ritsu. She is my favorite character from K-ON! so obviously I am going to get her, especially since I have pre-ordered Mio and Yui as well. I hope we get the drumset as part of the packaging and I really like her facial expressions.That's a freaking sweet instrument (accessories)!She looks like Yui...

26 October 2009

Violet Kisses

I have been wanting to try out Comic Life ever since I did the reintroduction for my Bleach's figures. This story came up out of nowhere after I took several pictures of Rukia in the jar so pardon the lame-ness. I personally think the strips were crowded. Hopefully I will develop a decent skill in the future so the strips would not suck as bad as these few.(These are read...

24 October 2009

Diary of a tard - week 4, October '09

Sunday, October 18I tried out Kiddy Girl And- it was made of lame. What can you expect from an anime that has special agents named Twiddledee and Twiddledum? It's a story about two female waitresses: one hyper, one seemingly more matured. They happened to have quite the fighting skills and the rest of the story is kinda predictable, don't you think? I is not entirely sure...

Gintama: Shiroyasha Koutan

OMG this was supposed to be the promotional video for Gintama the movie: The Birth of Shiroyasha? Why the hell we did not get to see the movie?!?!!oh wait. That's because it was a fucking troll!! LMAODamn I should have known! Gintama just fucking trolled my ass and like always I fucking love it!The animation quality for first part of the OVA is awesome, like it always does...

23 October 2009

Bleach: Chapter 379

OMG colored spread specially for Halloween! Ichigo-enstein is hawt. So is Count Ishida and I don't mind if the she-devil Rukia lure me to hell and back *mouthfoams*But that besides the point! Oh-Em-Gee!! *my inner IchiRuki squeals*So Rukia knows about Ichigo's masks. Although she never saw it until now, she knows about it, even the marking too! (I didn't notice the markings...

22 October 2009

Hyakko OVA

I look forward to this OVA simply because I can't get enough of Hyakko hence why I continued with the manga. I was delighted when I found out that Nippon Animation will once again bring this series back, despite that this is just a 10 minutes OVA.As expected, there is no in depth story or character development.The OVA in a nutshell: Touma and Torako spending their after school...

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