Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 November 2011

Chihayafuru: Episode 7

Yeah I know what I said. I know I won't write anymore episodic review for Chihayafuru because it sort of has lost it appeals to me but then I saw Taichi and all that shit was forgotten and before I knew it, here I am writing another episodic review for Chihayafuru for my own satisfaction. So here goes!Taichi was having a hard time with the first syllable cards against Chihaya....

29 November 2011

Fate/Zero: Episode 9

Smoking hot sex scene!lol I wish!The beginning of this episode showed Diarmuid in his past love life with Grainne but it wasn't Lancer who was reminiscing but it was Kayneth who dreamed it all. He just woke up from his long sleep after the fight with Kiritsugu and was pretty pissed when he found himself strapped on that metal stretcher. I was actually surprised that Sola-Ui...

My Top 10: Memorable Death Scenes

Monroe Anderson asked me to list down my top 10 favorite death scenes in anime/manga almost a year ago when I started my top 10 project (speaking of which, I never did say anything about it in my blog. I guess post forthcoming). I thought I postponed it long enough so here I am writing about it though I changed it from favorite to memorable.Why? Come to think of it, it shouldn't...

28 November 2011

Working'!!: Episode 9

The title for this episode is "Love is Global" so naturally I am stoked to see what this episode has in store for me. As expected, it dived straight into the romance of Yachiyo and Satou. Turned out Yachiyo is bad with machine and cellphone scared the bejeebus out of her. They managed to convince her to get one and thanks to Souma's suggestion, Satou got to take her out during...

27 November 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 4, November 2011

Monday, November 21Last Exile ~Fam, The Silver Wing~ episode 4: Fam was still with her plan to capture Sylvius but no one took her seriously. While she was busy convincing people about it, somebody else from Kartofell did a stake out. Dio managed to get a blurry picture of the ship and Gisey impressed me with her knowledge. She pretty much deducted what kind of ship it was,...

Hare Hare Yukai in 3D

As a Haruhi fan, I feel obligated to share this. Watching Kyon in that outfit doing the dance just made my day ^...

Mirai Nikki: Episode 7

The reason why I'm watching this so late is because the torrent took forever to finish download and it rather pissed me off. I need my weekly dosage of Yandere Yuno, if you know what I mean.Reisuke's Picture Diary can only predicts the future three times a day which gave him quite the disadvantage given the fact that Yuki's diary and Yuno's diary sorta compliment each other...

Persona 4 the Animation: Episode 8

Igor was once again not presence when Yuu went to the Velvet Room. Only Margaret was there to greet him and told him that he has yet again obtained another Arcana: the Emperor. I guess that's Tatsumi Kanji's Persona.Anyway, it is already Summer and the kids no longer have to wear that hideous coat. I gotta say that I'm digging the school Summer uniform, and in a totally perverted...

26 November 2011

Kimi to Boku: Episode 8

After the unexpected twist of feelings that I experienced from last episode, I am actually quite timid in approaching this episode. I feel like I have to put another wall up just so I won't break down like I did after watching episode 7.But lets get back to episode 8. What does drawing a manga has to do with owning a beret, a striped shirt or an F in the middle of your name?...

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