Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

29 September 2009

Figma Drössel

I've waited for her for two long agonizing months. It was only recently that my order was confirmed. She finally arrived early afternoon today. It goes without saying that I was super stoked. I couldn't wait to get my work done so that I can spend time with her.I think I got tears in my eyes when I first held her in my handsI think the image inside the box is prettyShe comes...

28 September 2009

klux-taicho vs arranklux

I'm bored and thought that I should make this post as a back up. God knows how many time I have to re-type everything when the thread got deleted or when Facebook decided to fuck with my account.As I have mentioned before, I am role playing as the 6th Squad Captain in Official Gotei 13 group in Facebook (yeah I'm THAT crazy about Bleach). Technically I'm role playing Byakuya....

Eve no Jikan

As of the time I wrote the review of this series, there is only one episode that has not been released yet which mean I have watched the other 5 episodes. The reason I did not wait for the series to complete is simply because I am too damn impressed by it. It wouldn't matter anyway. A gem is a gem after all.Eve no Jikan is an ONA produced by Studio Rikka and directed by Yasuhiro...

27 September 2009

Letter Bee: Light and Blue Night Fantasy

Letter Bee is one of the Autumn anime of 2009 that I look forward to. Knowing that the anime is an adaptation of the manga makes me want to watch it even more. I want to pick up the manga but since idle time is a luxury nowadays, it was a given that I couldn't afford to read another new manga. I just have to settle with just the anime for now.This review however is for the...

26 September 2009

Diary of a tard - week 4, September '09

Sunday, September 21Selamat Hari Raya to everyone who is celebrating the month of Syawal. I'm in front of my klux0r (yeah he's my lappy. I named him too, thanks to blur for the inspiration :P) catching up on my anime (addicted much?). I probably should spends this time updating my fanfic but I tell myself that I need inspirations and anime provides plenty.Konata and Haruhi...

25 September 2009

Relationship status: Unknown

How many years has it been? I stop counting when we passed the 10 years benchmark.What did you say when I reminded you? Holy shit, we have been in and out of love for that long?! I couldn't help but chuckled. That is so typical of you. Appeared to be naive but is all knowing.And so you thought that another 5 years wouldn't make a difference.Frankly speaking, I don't fucking know thus our relationship status remained unchanged/ unknown/unspecified.Does that changed the fact that I'm mighty fond of you and you of I? No.Hence the question of why do...

Bleach: Chapter 375

OH. MY. FREAKING. GAWD... O_O *mouth foaming, brain explodes!!*This spread makes my week, man. It is totally stupendous! Gah I love Bleach!!!Anyway, about this week's chapter... did Stark just... died? For fucking real? Just... like that? Just with a shikai? Wasn't he supposed to be like the fucking primera espada, the strongest there is? So... wait... did he really just fucking...

24 September 2009

Raya trip to Sepang Gold Coast

Konata helping out with the packing My families and I went to Kuala Lumpur on second day of raya. On our way there, we stopped at Bagan Lalang to visit our relatives. Since their house is less than a kilometer away from Sepang Gold Coast, we did not miss out the chance to check out the beach. While my cousins and nieces were busy taking a dip in the ocean, I used the opportunity...

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