Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

28 December 2008

how amusing... so I have to apologize.

well, meeting old friend always bring back memories. and oh boy was I not surprised with the things I've heard and learned tonight.Damn man, if we both were not egoistic bastards, we would have been making babies like now! hahahaha oh wow, I couldn't stop laughing at that thought. Imagining mini you is too hilarious.First of, dude, 4 years. That was how long we were in that shit and you still did not get how my freakish/selfish mind works? It is a wonder that you stuck with me for that long. I just have to pat your back and congratulated you. Job...

19 December 2008

Anime: Winter 2008/09

These are the one I'm downloading:Shikabanehime: KuroWhite AlbumMinami-ke OkaeriMaria+HolicZoku Natsume Yuujin-chouKurokamiThe Tower of Druaga - the Sword of Uruk - Asu no YoichiBird the Mighty Decode: 02Chrome Shelled RegiosRide BackSora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru SekaiHetalia Axis PowerAfro Samurai RessurectionThe one in bold are the one I watch right aw...

30 November 2008

Today is just not my day

So I started this morning with my neighbor's alarm blaring at 6:50am, waking the whole block.Goddammit.If the alarm went off like every hour or so, just fucking canceled it. No one will take it seriously even if a burglar really went in and run amok in your house! Morons >_>But meh, because I was forced to be up this early, I decided to do my laundry and since I'm hungry and could eat a horse (only the tail, I've small stomach ^_^"), I decided to make my lunch as well (yeah, I had my lunch at 9am. so what?). While cutting up the chilly, I...

29 October 2008

someone... fucking poke me please!

fucking jeebus. I am up to my neck with this fucking depression! and I don't fucking know what I am depressed about. Fucking hell!the fact that I locked myself in my room for two consecutive days (fuck work) does not help at all. Good god. When did my life turning in to one hell of a fucking soap opera?*breathe*damn it.FUCKING BREATHE!... I need a dose of DMC ...

30 August 2008

Independant Day!

Yeah... right. Its the eve of Merdeka.It has been 51 year of Independence for Malaysia.Instead of celebrating it with pride and joy, I just feel like there is nothing to celebrate about. The country has never been in such chaos as it is today. The economy, the rifts between the people, the political turmoil... everything is so fucked up. Almost every blog I visited has some sort of racist slurred and what not. Seriously people, what the hell?The younger generations will take the opportunity to go out partying, getting drunk and getting smashed....

24 August 2008

Anime: Fall 2008

These are the one I'm downloading:Xam'd: Lost MemoriesEarl and FairyToraDoraHyakkoShikabanehima: AkaYozakura QuartetKuroshitsujiClannad: After StoryTales of the AbyssJigoku Shoujo MitsuganaeTo Aru Majutsu no IndexKannagiGundam 00: Second SeasonKyou no Go no Ni TV Skip BeatRosario and Vampire Capu2Mouryou no HakoGa-Rei ZeroVampire Knight GuiltyEf - a Tales of Melodies -One...

09 June 2008

Sauber first win!

It was a historical day for Sauber fans around the world. Not only the team wins their first race today, it was a 1-2 too! I have been a fan of Sauber for 14 years so yeah, I have all these emotion welling up insides me atm. I have tears in my eyes, stupid smile plastered on my face. Immediately after Kubica crossed the chequered flag, my phone was rained with calls and...

07 June 2008


Someone pointed out to me that I look different today . Not physically but the aura definitely is not from the usual me.I just smiled and said he needs to see me more often.BecauseThe so-called aura that he was referring to was simply the effect of me reading a manga or watching an anime.It just so happened that I was hooked on Amatsuki and can't stop grinning from ear to ear whenever I think about Bonten and/or Kon. Then I get my weekly dose of Bleach with Aizen god-moding while chibi Gin making my nose bleeds.He ought to see me now though. I...

06 June 2008

Oil price

The fucking government has done it again. The increased is from RM1.92 per liter to RM2.70 per liter. A raised of 78 cents per liter.The people must prepare for increased in electrical bills and other consumer goods, services and luxury goods as well.Fucking retarded when they can afford maintaining the subsidy and decrease it gradually. They are flushed with money! 70billion annually from Petronas, not to mention the profit from plantation companies and banks. Yet they are dumping all their fucking problems to the people when in fact there are...

23 May 2008

Sensitive Pornograph

My friends came over the other night for dinner. They got bored after dinner so they browsed through my 200GB worth of anime including the DVDs. They came upon an anime titled Sensitive Pornograph. Being GAR men as they are, they quickly assumed it was hentai. Being a cunning bitch myself, I let them assumed whatever they want.I told them that if I were to let them see that...

12 May 2008

Anime: Summer 2008

These are the one I'm downloading:Birdy the Mighty DecodeChocolate UndergroundBlade of the ImmortalNatsume Yuujin-chouStrike WitchesYakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki JikenboAntique BakeryMahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto ~ Natsu no Sora ~Telepathy Shoujo RanMission-ENogizaka Haruka no HimitsuIkkitousen Great GuardiansAngelique Abyss: Second AgeTakane's BikeDetroit Metal CityThe one...

21 April 2008


It feels like the whole of my body system has shut down for the past couple of days. The only thing that ain't defective is my brain that seems like it runs on auto-pilot, finding its own way to recharge. I've been watching anime/reading manga non stop ever since I woke up. Surprisingly after 2 series of yaoi (one which contain the most graphic yaoi I ever seen - which provided endless lulz), I feel considerably well.This made me realize that my brain may be defective after all ...

05 April 2008

Malaysian footballers

The reason and inspiration for this entry is because of Ntale. So here goes my ranting on our national footballers (soccer).1. They sucks2. They sucks3. THEY SUCKSThey are the scums of the earth, the disgrace of my country and should be shot to the head for even calling themselves footballers as if they deserved the title.If you think I sound bitter, that's because I am. We (Malaysian) all are!They are spoil bastards that gets all the richest they can get and screw up on doing the only thing they were paid for: play football.They have no discipline....

31 March 2008

True Tears

"Because I gave my tears away"That line made me a fan of this anime and of that character.This anime is brewed with drama, angst, romance and cuteness. It would have been perfect if I am the kind of girl who loves the normal typical love story. I don't. Nevertheless I still love it. It reminds me of Clannad and Kanon, minus the comedy. There are several scenes that would make...

30 March 2008

Ghost Hound

Whoa, it has been a long time since I update this region. No, I didn't mean my region. Sheesh!I just wanna share this with you peeps about Ghost Hound.If you love Jigoku Shoujo, you gonna love this one too. Personally I think it was better, in term of its art however to be fair they do have rather different story lines.It is about three different kids who have suffered from...

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