Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

27 July 2007


This book review is long over due, just like many other books that I’ve yet to review. I read this on my trip to negeri di bawah bayu back in May. Those who know me would have known that I am a fan of the movie Sleepers. I remember watching that movie when I was still in secondary school and it leaves such an impact. The horrible things men do to satisfy themselves…I learn...

26 July 2007

Simpsons the Movie

A classic Simpsons this movie is. I started laughing from the minute the 20th Fox Entertainment gets on the screen till the very end. And I wasn't the only one. You'll see what I mean when you go and watch it (and you must!)The story begins with Green Day performing on the river. As many other rock stars that visited Springfields, they faced the same fate. At their memorial...

25 July 2007

Honey and Clover II

I was first introduced with this anime when it was shown on Astro channel 25 but unfortunately I was not able to follow the series. I bought the DVD last week (both season 1 and 2) and once I started I could not stop. Nevermind if I have to be awake at 4am in the morning as long as I finish it. It was addicted and with every chapter I fall in love more and more with the characters....

22 July 2007

European GP

Massa finished second in the surviving Ferrari, and Mark Webber gave the Red Bull Racing team its first podium of the year with third place. The rain played a major role in the outcome of the race, and for the first time in several years the grand prix was red-flagged!As the 22 cars lined up on the grid threatening clouds loomed over the circuit. The track temperature...

13 July 2007

Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix

As a Harry Potter fan I am definitely not going to pass up the opportunity to see Order of the Phoenix. To tell you the truth, I am not a fan of its book initially. When I first read it, I was really fed-up with Harry's bitter attitude. Then the Half Blood Prince was released. As it's released was nearly one year after, I read Order of the Phoenix again and for some reason...

11 July 2007

Lesson to learn

This is me at 3:29am on Wednesday morning, July 11, 2007. My head feels like it is going to explode. Keep thinking about the past the present the future. I’ve learnt many things in the past. I’ve learned the joy of being in love. I’ve learned how weird it felt when I got my heart broken. I’ve learned that I was lost when I lose my best friends. I’ve learned to live...

08 July 2007

British GP

Kini kita beralih ke perlumbaan ke-9 dalam kalendar Formula One di Silverstone, Britain. 7 daripada 11 pasukan Formula One berasal dari Britain maka perlumbaan di Silverstone dianggap sebagai perlumbaan di ‘rumah’ sendiri oleh kebanyakan pasukan ini. Begitu juga untuk empat orang pemandu Formula One iaitu Lewis Hamilton, Anthony Davidson, Jenson Button and David Coulthard.Namun...

05 July 2007

Die Hard 4.0

Live Free or Die Hard Remember inspector John McClane? If you are a die hard fans of Die Hard (pun intended), you wouldn’t need to google the name. Yep, the coolest NYPD detective is back! Like the rest of die hard films which received rave reviews from critics, this one is no exception. It is an action pack movie from start to end with light humor here and there. The...

01 July 2007

France GP

Publish PostSelamat datang ke perlumbaan ke-8 dalam kalendar Formula 1 di Magny-Cours, Perancis. Ini mungkin perlumbaan terakhir untuk litar ini kerana ada ura-ura yang mengatakan Bernie Ecclestone tidak akan memasukkan litar ini untuk perlumbaan-perlumbaan Formula 1 pada tahun-tahun akan datang bagi memberi laluan kepada litar-litar baru seperti litar Turkey dan Singapura.Ferrari...

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