Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

27 May 2007

Monaco GP

McLaren Mercedes drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton scored a dominant one-two in Sunday's mainly sunny Monaco Grand Prix, but Felipe Massa was happy to salvage third place - and the only other unlapped runner - to keep his and Ferrari's championship hopes alive.The McLaren pair were in a class of their own, finishing a whole minute ahead of their rivals. In a largely...

18 May 2007

the light of god

AstaghfirullahI beg forgiveness of Allah La illah ha illallahThere is no God but Allah Al Fatihah (The Opening)In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;Most Gracious, Most Merciful;Master of the Day of Judgement.Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.Show us the straight way,The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray...

14 May 2007

the other side of things...

Earlier on it was anger that driven me to write the previous entry. Apparently it rubbed certain people the wrong way. They found it hard to get pass the swearing. It was unfortunate but at that moment that was exactly how I felt. I was more mad at myself than at that person. I was angry at my carelessness. I could not believe that I had go and done it again. There are a tinge of resentment and bitterness but that can't be help. It was a shame though if those people failed to see what I was trying to convey. Apparently they do not know me as...

13 May 2007

so the drama ends...

aku dah cakap dah, aku dah cakap...fuck. fuck. fuck.everytime ended the same wayfuck!!! i knew i should not have bothered. considerate? appreciative?i have tried bothstill the result was so fucking noxious... i allowed myself to be vulnerablei let my guards down, my ego plummetedwhat do i get in return?as expected...only sorrow, grief and heartache this is dé·jà vualthough the damage is more severe i must have misjudged certain things along the waymaking mistakes that i regretsaying things that should not have been saidfoolish me aye?allowing...

Spanish GP

Sessi kelayakan yang berlangsung semalam adalah antara yang paling mengujakan apabila peminat Formula One dihidangkan persaingan yang sengit antara pemandu McLaren dan Ferrari. Massa mencuri perhatian penonton tempatan daripada Alonso apabila beliau mencuri petak pertama dari genggaman dua kali juara dunia itu. Alonso terpaksa berpuas hati di petak kedua. Raikkonen dan Hamilton...

12 May 2007

A survival journey to Sabah

May 6 - Alhamdulillah I have arrived safely at Tawau Airport, Sabah at approximately 1530 hours. The weather was not ideal for flying thus I got a terrible jet lag. I’ve been trying to suppress the urge to puke since the plane took off. I went straight to my aunt’s house at Taman Wawasan, Tawau. My first outing was to Tawau CityClub for dinner. By the way, the tour for...

05 May 2007

Spiderman 3

I went to watch this movie on Thursday (thank you Fik for taken a day off to accompany me). The original plan was to catch the movie on it's release date (Labor day). I even cut short my trip to KL (sorry Leah) just so that I won't miss it. Alas, the tickets were already booked but someone was too busy to picked up the phone (arghh!!). So melepas la nak tengok malam tu. Rasa...

04 May 2007

Mobile Gundam SEED Destiny

I was just done crying.No, I did not get my heart broken again.Although in a way it might be…Actually I was just done watching Gundam Seed Destiny (thank you FireDagger!)I watched Mobile Suit Gundam but not really a fan of the series because at that time the characters weren’t as good looking as the Seed’s characters. Those who are close to me might have heard me mentioning...

01 May 2007

Sayang, Kaseh dan Cinta

Once I found SAYANG when hope is unheard ofThen I found KASEH when hope is abundanceNow I find CINTA when all hope is lost The story of my life. ...

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