Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

25 September 2007

I've been tagged

This is the first time i've been tagged. Thanks to wan pablo (couldn't wait to read about your trip btw).So here goes...5 things in my bag:- Braun Buffel purse- Anna Karenina's book that I'm currently reading- house keys- toothbrush (you gotta carry this everywhere if you are wearing braces)- handphones5 things in my wallet:- the usual cards- receipts from my dentist trip- my dentist appointment card- an angpau that is yet to be opened (for rainy days)- few malaysian ringgit (and some sen)5 favourite things in my favourite room:that would be my...

19 September 2007

Sebelum cahaya

Ku teringat hatiYang bertabur mimpiKemana kau pergi cintaPerjalanan sunyiEngkau tempuh sendiriKuatkanlah hati cintaIngatkan engkau kepadaEmbun pagi bersahajaYang menemanimu sebelum cahayaIngatkan engkau kepadaAngin yang berhembus mesraYang kan membelaimu cintaKekuatan hati yang berpegang janjiGenggamlah tanganku cintaKu tak akan pergi meninggalkanmu sendiriTemani hatimu ci...

11 September 2007

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

I'm in a state of bliss.I remember saying that I'd stop caring. Seems like He got other plans for me. Allahuakhbar.And His timing is perfect.I am not saying that I'll ended up marrying this guy. lol no!It just that somehow he makes me feels wholesome. Not just some empty vessel. He called today. Explaining his disappearing act.I don't mind really.Because I know no matter what, he's there.Just knowing that fact, he already made my day.Funny isn't it how he, who was insignificant 4 months ago are making a huge impact in my life.With just a phone...

04 September 2007

Tukang serba boleh

Sejak dua menjak ni I've acquired new skills: menjahit.Ceritanya camni...Baju kurung aku memang selama ni tak ada orang lain yang jahit melainkan makcik aku but since she decided to retired couple of years ago, aku langsung tak ada buat baju kurung lagi dah because aku tau aku takkan selesa pakai baju kurung orang lain jahit.So to make long story short, it has been two years since I have new baju kurung for raya. I decided then that whatever happens, I must have new baju kurung for this year's EID.Since I have too much free time on my hand, aku...

03 September 2007

Conspiracy theory

Tergelak besar aku baca teori konspirasi datuk harimau.Memang benar kata-katan...

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