Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

28 August 2013

Bleach: Chapter 507

The old fart's bankai work in reversed way it seems. All the flames were gone and stored inside his charred zanpaktou so whatever touches it gonna burn like a motherfucker on a stick. I mean, marshmallow.But that's not the only thing though. The zanpaktou seeps all the moisture from everything that is around it. Hmm, not bad for a bankai... I wonder when the heck will Juhabaha...

25 August 2013

First Impression: Gin no Saji: Silver Spoon

The only reason I'm excited as fuck for this show is because it's produced by A-1 Pictures. I hope this show can somewhat compensate for what is lacking in Servant x Service. On top of that, this is the only show that is featured in noitaminA for this season. That should be a good sign, isn't it? My first impression was Moyashimon. That's what this show reminds me of during...

24 August 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 2, August 2013

Saturday, August 10 Free episode 5: They went to some island to train for the tournament. Looks like Mako has some issues with the sea but he seems up to it. Anyhoo, Rei felt like he's dragging everyone down so he decided to practice on his own only to be caught in a storm. Mako to the rescue! It was a meh episode in my opinion. The only highlight is when Rin showed some...

21 August 2013

First Impression: Gatchaman Crowds

I didn't give this show any attention until my colleague starts spazzing (and drew fanarts overnight) about it. He said it was good and funny. It sounds alright so yeah lets check this out. I do hope it is as good as people say it is. After all, it takes a lot for me to actually go loco for a mecha anime. (c) Pixiv ID 4394760 And I didn't go loco (well, not completely...

14 August 2013

Bleach: Chapter 506

Looks like it takes an average of two months for me to read one chapter of Bleach nowadays. Just what the fuck happened? =\ Anyway, resuming from the last chapter,  the old fart is pissed. Even more so when the bad guys (of which I have forgotten what they are called) did a sneak attack on him. They fell like flies before they could land any hit on him though. Yuhabaha...

10 August 2013

Diary of a tard: Week 5, July 2013

Thursday, August 1 Love Lab episode 4: Sayo suspected that Riko is bluffing about being the Sniper of Love, a title that was given by the other three members of the student council. Riko tried to come clean but she isn't capable of letting anyone down so she just go with the flow. Sayo tried to uncover the truth until Suzu dramatically ended it. On the other hand, they were...

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