Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

27 February 2007

Rocky Balboa

The only reason I went to watch this film is Milo. What can I say, I have a soft spot for him since I saw him in Gilmore Girls. The only Rocky movie I've seen so far was the first one. The other four were just too stereotype for me. The underdog got in the ring, the underdog wins the match. The same old story gets repeated over and over again so I can't be blame for refusing...

22 February 2007

Music and Lyrics

I wasn't planning on seeing this movie since the review weren't complimenting but because there was nothing much to do last Tuesday, my sister and I decide that it was worth a shot. And we were wrong and the film critics were spot on! It was predictable. You would know earlier on what was gonna happened next. I was so bored I can't wait for the film to end. Luckily I...

06 February 2007

St. Valentine’s Day

February 14 is around the corner. The day that lovers and those who are in a relationship most looking forward to all year. It gives them reason to spend times together rejoicing and celebrating. All in the name of LOVE. As if they can't do so on the other 364 days. I'm not mocking love. I just think that love is so over-rated these days. I'm sick of people saying they do this or that because of love and regretted it later. Girl, if you lose your virginity before you get married with a guy that claimed he loved you but dumped you soon...

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