Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

04 January 2009

Light Writing: A Poetry ~ Dude

Right. There is no delaying it anymore. I just have to do this to get it out of my chest, and preventing it from continuously taking the back seat inside my already crazy mind. So yeah, the start of new year are not that great for me. Actually, that was an understatement. The start of new year was actually so fucked up, I don't even know where to begin to pick myself up again. Can you hear that unidentified sound? Yeah, that's the sound of me smashing my head on the wall. It's a miracle that it has not crack open yet. T__T Am I really so laid...

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