Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

30 August 2007

It's merdeka, let me speak

Looking back to look ahead.That's what Lim Kit Siang said in his conversation with theSun on August 23, 2007. His first answer on that interview makes me wanted to turn the pages to read the rest of the article.Q: We are coming up to 50 years soon, so what do you think we have achieved in that time?LKS: I think it's a very mixed result. I think when we achieved independence 50 years ago and then with Sabah and Sarawak we formed the Malaysian federation, we all had one aspiration - that we would become more Malaysian over the years. Which...

29 August 2007

Hey you, I'm still young la!

I went to visit Luth today so masa sampai tu there were four nurses yang datang melawat K/N gak. Dah agak lama lepak dan ketika aku sedang mendukung Luth, one of the nurse (lets call them nurse1, nurse2 and so on to avoid confusion) asked my mom bila tarikh SPM.lol my mom pun pening lalat la because that nurse tanya soalan pengetahuan am tetiba kat dia. Bukan setakat my mom jer, yang lain pun dah garuk kepala (literally). My mom answered la that she does not have a clue.Then nurse2 sambung: "Eh bukan anak akak (meaning me!) ambil SPM ke tahun ni?"wakakaka,...

28 August 2007

Pictures of Luth

Sapa nak tengok Luth, sila la ke my family blog: brethrenbr...

26 August 2007

Turkish GP

Grand Prix Turkey pasti menjanjikan perlumbaan yang mencabar selepas sessi kelayakan yang sengit antara Ferrari dan McLaren semalam, dengan Felipe Massa merampas posisi pertama dari Lewis Hamilton. Kimi Raikkonen dan Fernando Alonso masing-masing akan memulakan perlumbaan di grid kedua.Pasukan BMW Sauber tidak kurang hebatnya dengan Robert Kubica di tempat ke lima dan Nick...

24 August 2007

Luth is finally here

Alhamdulillah, today I got myself anak saudara baru.His name is Luth. The most anticipated baby of the year. He'll definitely will be my favorite. I just soooo bias when it comes to baby boy. heheSo nak cerita sikit on how he was delivered into this world of ours.K/N was admitted to the hospital around 2am yesterday and at 3am her contractions were between every 4 minutes. She was in labur pain for more than 12 hours. At 5pm, jalan dah buka 8cm, but still she couldn't give birth. So at 6.15pm the doctor decide to do a Cesar. 6.30pm K/N went to...

22 August 2007

Iklan jual diri

lol, got this idea from a book I am currently reading. Sounds like fun! So here goes:Masih muda bergetahdengan ketinggian 5 kaki 2 incibadan kecil molekkulit tak la putih sangat tapi kira cerah la jugaksuka gila dengan Formula Oneseorang penyokong Chelsea FCsekolah tak tinggi mana tapi pandaiberkebolehan untuk memasak, berkebun, menjahit, jaga anak dan segala macam yang seorang isteri patut mahirdalam erti kata lain, pakej yang lengkap!berminat? sila hubungi jabatan pendaftaran negarap/s: lintah horny! aku tau! hahahhaha!...

10 August 2007

Is it wrong

Salahkah bila ku menduaSalahkah bila semua dapat ku tak lagi merasakan engkau adaDan cintaku seolah jenuh akan hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan ku sendiriCukup bagi diriku melukai hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan akuMungkin kau akan bahagia dengan dia, yang lainTak perlu kau memohon untuk kembaliTak perlu kau memohon cintakuTiada lagi ruang di hatiku yang tersisa untuk muKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan ku sendiriCukup bagi diriku melukai hatimuKasih tinggalkanlah diriku untuk selamanyaBiarkan...

05 August 2007

Hungarian GP

Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro moved to within 19 points of Championship leaders McLaren Mercedes after Kimi Raikkonen scored eight points for Ferrari at the Hungarian Grand Prix yesterday and McLaren failed to score. This followed a stewards' ruling against McLaren after they were judged to have imposed orders which cost Lewis Hamilton the chance of a second qualifying run in...

01 August 2007

My drool factor at the moment

Yes... I think he's h...


a silent move that we makewhen we awake my consciencecome and going come and goa troubled mind and twisted handwe use everytime this everytime… all the sentimental feelingthat sometimes makes our heart burningwe surrender to a strong desireignorant to the needs of otherlittle whisper of little voicesthat calls when we make desperate choicesare we that oblivious?so insensitive so many choices to be madeso little time to decideso little guilt on our s...

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