Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

23 February 2006

East of Eden

I picked up John Steinbeck's East of Eden early last year. I became a fan of his overnight. I can put him on the same shelf with the like of Dickens and Shakespears although they were all have different ways with their writings. Dickens is well-known for his fecund imaginations and comic genius, never to depart from his typical "Dickensian" where he introduced numerous memorable...

20 February 2006

Why do Malaysians read so little?

I'm the eldest in my family and I can still remember my first book my dad bought for me. I was 4 years old and the book was Pinocchio. Since then I got a knack for books - storybooks in particular. So I have to thank my dad for this passion of mine.I tried to do the same thing for my sisters. They already knew what my gift is for their birthday every year: book, but somehow those books always ended up on the bookshelf, collecting dust. I remembered I bought a SpiderMan novel for my sister since she collect everything spidey at that time. After...

13 February 2006


Let start of with Anugerah by Zaharah Nawawi, shall we? This is the only Malay novel I possed. My dad bought it for my for my 14th birthday. One of my precious gift I must say. This book is my all time favorite. So where to start eh? The story is about the time before Independence Day. Most of the plot took place in Johor Bahru. Obviously, since it is the story...

From books to motorsports

When you ask those who probably know me, what are the two things that make me me, I'm sure they would not hesitate to give you the answer: Formula One and Books! To celebrate my passion for the sport I will also include some motorsports info (whenever relevant) in this blog, together with the endless discussion on books. The reason for this is as simple as the reason as of why I wish more Malaysians are bookworm, to support our motorsport industry. Hobey-...

Books, books and more books

The reason I started this blog is to encourage people to grab hold of a book, start reading and loving the experience! So look out for this space. I'll update on the books I have read and in turn you might be one of few Malaysians who are trully fascinated by papers that are bind together to create a world of their own with us as their audience. The possibilities of having an adventure are endless. Hobey-...

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