Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

28 June 2007


The film was FUCKING AWESOME!!! It's worth the 20 years of waiting. Michael Bay does not disappoint. There are no boring scene in this movie. Not even once. You will be on edge throughout the whole movie. The slow-mo scene makes me wanna weep, every single time. It contain the best SFX in history. AMPAS may as well just hand ILM the Oscar now, as no film will even come...

17 June 2007

United States GP

Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro drivers Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen finished a solid third and fourth in the heat of Sunday's US Grand Prix at Indianapolis, seventh round of the FIA's Formula One World Championship. The pair finished 11.3s behind the all-powerful McLaren Mercedes pairing of Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso who were just as close as the Ferrari pair for most...

11 June 2007

Movie mania

It has been a while since my last post. For some reason, only known to me and my closest acquaintance, I disappeared from the face of the earth for a while(figuratively speaking of course). Hehehe, no I didn't go that near to hell on my trip to self discovery.So the summer blockbusters are in full swing. For three straight weeks I have been very busy catching up to the latest...

We are reunited at last

After nearly ten years I haven't heard or seen him, last fortnight, by God's grace we found each other again. I guess that last episodes of my life is a blessing in disguise. Alhamdulillah. p/s: uwaaa rindu kat hang Linta...

10 June 2007

Canadian GP

Perlumbaan Grand Prix Kanada bermula tanpa sebarang kemalangan. Cuaca yang baik menyambut pemandu-pemandu Formula One di litar Gilles Villeneuve. Hamilton memecut laju untuk mendahului perlumbaan. Alonso melakukan kesilapan pada awal permulaan apabila beliau cuba untuk memintas Hamilton lalu membenarkan Heidfeld untuk memintasnya. Massa pula berada ditempat keempat. Raikkonen...

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