Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

05 January 2007


Before you pick up this book, you might want to pick up Sabriel and Lirael first because Nix is not into summarization or repitition. Garth Nix will reward the effort later with this last book of the Abhorsen's trilogy. His intricate and brilliant plotting will grip you till the last page. Abhorsen started off with a prologue depicting Sabriel and Touchstone situation at...

04 January 2007

Welcoming 2007

I know it is the fourth of January already but since I do not have the chance to be online during or a day before new year, I'll just assume that we can still call today as new year's day. I didn't make any resolution last year because I know I'm a lazy git and I wouldn't care if my resolution will materialized or not. But this year things will be different. For one, I would like to be more considerate and appreciative. I hurt the feelings of few people last year and one of them is not talking to me. I don't blame him really. We are speaking...

Night at the Museum

If you want a laugh, a good one at that, go and watch this movie. Ben Stiller is hillarious and I don't mean in his over-acting-usual-way. His character has more depth this time around as a father to a child who tried to be responsible and find some stability in life, for his son's sake. My favorite characters, besides Ben's, would be Jedadiah and Octavius, both are miniature....

01 January 2007


My first impression of Lirael is pathetic and annoying at times; a girl who live in self-pity and it was not until I finish reading half of the book that my impression of her changed, but not by much. Lirael is one of the Clayr but has not been granted the Sight even as she reached the age of 19. On her 14th birthday, she was made a librarian and for the next 5 years she...

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