Sunday, August 30
Dogs: Bullets and Carnage chapter 43 w00t!!! I really want to know who is that guy in charge, the one with glasses and acting all shiznit. If there's one thing I like about this manga is the actions speak louder than words. Heine vs Giovanni is freaking awesome. The fact that they can't killed each other no matter how much bullets they put in the other's body is carnage indeed. I'm still pissed at Mihai for shooting Bado. If Bado didn't get out of there alive, I'm gonna fucking skin him alive.I get easily irritated when Kyon is on Asahina's protective mode. It is just my bad luck that The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya episode 12 starts with the exact scene -__-
Hahahaha Haruhi is made of win! I love her when she shots the priest! LMAO. That's Haruhi for you. Mikuru Beam FTW!!!
I freaking love Tamama in episode 2 of Keroro Gunsou. His psychotic voice is effing hilarious. and I also love Kiruru's epic laugh. ~kukukukuku XD
I was fooled twice when they showed Yuuki lying dead in a hospital bed. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 episode 8 did well to trick me. Phew... without me realizing it, I have become attached to the main characters and want them to go through this catastrophe with as little hardship as possible. I am fond of Yuuki in particular. I swear he has the cutest boy voice I had ever heard in anime.
btw, I have a feeling that Mari is not telling Mirai the real situation about her parents.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni (episode 9) is getting absurd and confusing. I want to see that other witch comes into play like NIAO!!
Monday, August 31
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-52 buat semua warga Malaysia ^__^
Decides to take a first look at Shangri-La. I have been postponing this series since it first released. I was pleasantly surprised to see that quality of the animation and the amazing character design. Wonder why it doesn't get as much publicity though? Episode 1 pretty much throws you all sorts of information. It kinda make me confused. I am sure I'll get the details eventually after I have watched more episodes. All I know is I freaking love the fighting sequence.
Tuesday, September 1
Only managed to watch Keroro Gunsou episode 3. Giroro and Dororo made a comeback at the second half of the episode. Giroro is planning on conquering the wurado alone while Dororo once again phailed to get the recognition he deserved.
Wednesday, September 2
The fact that I only managed to watch only one anime per day for the past couple of days is pissing me off especially when work is raping me hard in the butt.
I saw Renji becoming a man again. Or at least on his way to become a man. Bleach episode 235 shows the continuation of his fight with Zabimaru. It also shows Ichigo finally free from the bind that hold him down but they didn't show us how exactly he did it. Phailed. Oh and we got to see Kazeshini kicked Hisagi's butt and Ichigo's ass-looking-good hollow :D
Ultimo chapter 7 is made of awesomesauce. I love to see the interaction between Yamato and his classmates. It was teh funneh. This chapter introduced Koganei Hana, another enemy of Yamato. She's 6 years old kid with a foul mouth (he called Yamato bitchface. LMAO) with this fucking big fat douji (Edile the Glutton) following her around. Yamato who decided to pretend that he's asleep in all that ruckus cracks me up big time. I'm glad to report that Vice still kick ass, he kinda talks like me, utilizing the fuck word to the fullest. kukukuku... But I'm so freaking excited by the fact that Lune is a potential enemy to Yamato. Lune btw looks like girl so I'm like... YamatoxLune FTW! XD
One more thing that I can't fucking wait to happen is to see what the deal is with the vow that everyone is talking about. I want to see it happen!
There is a little note at the end of Ultimo chapter explaining the name of the seven deadly sins. Pretty useful I might say.
I love the title for Hyakko chapter 28: The one standing is Yanagi. The one sitting is Kitsune. The one walking is the king of all beasts. As you might have expected, the chapter is about the three boys in Hyakko! w00t!!! I am a fan of Kitsune and Shishimaru. I think they are both fucking adorable. Well, in this chapter the boys are trying to flirt with women. When Kitsune saw Ayumi, he said point blank that he wanna fuck her which deserved a shinai to the face by Shishimaru. And then Ayumi told the boys that she saw Torako at the bookstore. Shishimaru act all cool and shit about not wanting to be a bother to Torako but suddenly remembers that he has a book that he needs to get. Hahahaha fucking smooth there Shishimaru. ROFL. And then Kitsune pulls another smooth moves on Ayumi. Damn, I want them for my boyfriends @_@
It's the girls festival outing in chapter 29. So are the boys. The usual girls don't look like they normally do so the boys (only Kitsune and Yanagi. Shishimaru is freaking loyal to Torako) accidentally flirts with them. I laugh my ass off when Shishimaru saw Torako eating a chocolate coated hotdog thingy. So erotic! And... What the hell, Kitsune and Ayumi again?!
Chapter 30 is a short one about Ayumi meeting an old friend from middle school. Meh.
Chapter 31 saw the girls completing their summer homework at Touma's place. I love the fact that Torako and Amagasa are buddies. That is so ironically funny.
We got new characters in chapter 32! Two from the four deities of Kamizono are running for council president. They are: Muromachi Kirin and Nara Takaya. So obviously they would be mayhem and Torako just happened to be at the center of it, as always. But wait, listen.... *SQUEALS!!!* We have Shishimaru too!! bhuahahahahaha I'm fucking ecstatic right now. I don't care if this post doesn't make sense to anyone else XD
LOL I already know the outcome of chapter 33. It was easy to figure out when Shishimaru and Torako are put into the same equation. Shishimaru kicks ass y'all!! I guessed right. Kitsune is indeed the all-knowing-spirit. Now I wonder if he's the one playing Takaya for the presidency. Can't be right? ...Nah, impossible. BUT WHAT THE HELL, I'M RIGHT ONCE AGAIN! Kitsune is cool like that, don'tchaknow?
I want to go to Hyakko. ~nyuuuu.... That's what I feel like when I read chapter 34. That school is so retardedly awesome! The story is developing nicely. No more randomness. I love it. To be continued though >> Tak-kun the tsundere LMAO XD
I really feel like I should start watching Pandora Heart soon after I saw Pandora Hearts DVD Specials episode 2. I find myself asking the reason why I was so excited. The only answer that came to mind is the heavily implied yaoi theme that was being shown in the DVD specials. Anyone care to enlighten me if this is true?
Thursday, September 3
I was browsing through one manga and chance upon a oneshot called Akazukin Eliza. Just what. the. fuck?!
Friday, September 4
I need to learn to remember the characters in Drifter soon. Chapter 5 it out today. It was short with no significant development -__-
Toyoshisa: If you can't speak Japanese, then just die!
Awesome @_@
Watched Bincho-tan episode 1 and 2 on animax. Can someone tell me why is she wearing a log on her head? Also Bincho's height is like an average 6 year old kid so how does she ends up in shoe/rice pot/etc and be like 1 inch tall? I'm confused =\
Feather has told Minamoto of the different personalities of the Phantom daughter in Zettai Karen Children chapter 186. She was about to rape Minamoto too but alas, we are deprived of that scene when Kouru noticed something is amissed. As expected, all hell break loose when she saw Feather kissing Minamoto.
Decided that I need a break from work so I watch the latest OVA that I downloaded, Denpa Teki na Kanojo. It started with rape scene so naturally I was excited intrigued. The review will be coming soon.
The first half of episode 4 of Keroro Gunsou show us the imminent showdown between Natsumi and Giroro. Or sorta. The second half shows Fuyuki as child and of his ambition to take over the wurado. The first half is teh funneh.
Naruto chapter 462 is out late today. I only got to read it at 6:42pm. I am not enjoying the recent chapters one bit. I blame it on Sasgay. The actions were decent but when it involved Sasgay I lost all interest. I'm glad his page time was cut short. So Tobi has the three of them the truth about Itachi. Lets hope they are not blinded by their hard on for Sasgay and accept the fact that Sasgay is a bitch that needs to be eliminated!! Also interesting history on the sage but i refused to believe the curse shit Tobi is talking about. Fate my ass. Get it fucking over with already!!
Stark is ready for revenge in chapter 372 of Bleach. Drools worthy ending to otherwise lame chapter.
Crap, no Karneval this week? =(
Neh, where are you getting Dogs Blood Carnage from???? I can't seem to get access to any scanlations.
Reading this post, makes me wish I was blogging right now... -_- Had some domain issues going on, so hopefully next week, all will be back up and running!
CAG ^_^
like most of my mango (except for Hyakko and Amatsuki), I get my regular dosage at
Shangri-La is a whole barrel of awesome. I really need to catch up on it though, I think I'm only on ep 10 or so T_T
I can't wait for September to be over so that I can dedicate my time doing mindless stuff like watching anime or reading manga all day. I definitely can't wait to catch up on Shangri-La
Easy does it -__-
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