Aku no Hana

It has been a while I got this excited for an anime. In fact, I can't remember the last anime that got me all worked out like this. Needless to say, I think Aku no Hana is a very awesome anime. I definitely recommended it to everyone.

23 October 2007

motoGP 07 trip

Punya la kepenatan gila. Dah la malam tak boleh nak tido, kepala kusut gila. Pulak tu hari semalamnya baru ada drama hebat terjadi. Pergh, hidup hidup....Around 7 bertolak ke rumah F/O. Biasalah kalau dah janji pukul 7 pukul 7 la cik sampai but si bangang N/M boleh call bagitau baru bangun tido. Pergh baran gila. Kitorang tunggu dia tiba sampai pukul 10. Celaka tol. Janji memang jenis janji tamil! Yang makin cik membara tu he acted like nothing happened, as if he's hasn't sin. What the fuck la oi?!So I drive all the way to Sepang. Plan nak straight...

21 October 2007

emotional distress

He's no longer missing/lost without a trace. At least he has fulfilled his promises for now. Maybe in two weeks time he'll be gone again though. Cross my finger that it wasn't because of what I did.Anyway, for no apparent reason I was in an emotional distress yesterday. I woke up to a sore body and a trouble mind.I cried a lot too.Which something that I am not used to.I cried because I miss my grandad.I cried because for the first time I learn how it feels to really miss somebody.I cried because I wish some misunderstanding can be rectified.I cried...

17 October 2007

Hilang tanpa pesan

Jauh perjalananMencari intan pujaanAduhai dimana TuanMengapa pergi tanpa pamitanLembah kuturuniBukit nan tinggi kudakiAduhai tak kunjung jumpaMengapa hilang tak tentu rimbaLaut hempaskanku padanyaBintang tunjukkan arahOh angin bisikanlah mana diaHati cemas bimbangHarapan timbul tenggelamAduhai permata hatiMungkinkah kelak bersua lagip/s: Not another broken promises, eh de...

02 October 2007

5 centimeters per second

5 centimeters per second, that's the speed at which cherry blossom fall.One of the most romantic film I had ever seen. It is a pretty much serious story about two people, Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari who had been friends since primary school but gradually grow farther apart as time moves on.They were practically inseparable when they were kids but they become separated...

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