03 April 2011

Diary of a tard: Week 5, March 2011

Tuesday, March 29

Episode 18 of Monochrome Factor: Akira should just give up and allowed Shirogane to get in his pantsu already. On the other hand, it seems like Ken is on a date of his own too though I doubt it. A guy like Ken on a date? pfft... this show is still so dumb but so fun too. what the fuck is wrong with me!

akira kinda hawt

Thursday, March 31

Another slow chapter of Bleach. Jeebus Kubo. What the fuck are you doing?

Rikuo met Gyuuki face to face in episode 8 of Nurarihyon no Mago. Gyuuki was so bold, he even pointed his sword at Rikuo. I was disappointed actually. I was hoping for a bad ass fight between these two. Instead we got the back ground story of Gyuuki. Nevertheless, it was a tad interesting since we gotta see Rikuo' grandfather in action when he was the Nurarihyon. Smoking hot just like Rikuo ^_^

Friday, April 1

Level E episode 12: Ki' brother and fiance came to earth searching for him. They are both conservative fuckers. His brother didn't agree with the bill that allows him to take Ki's place as the King and tries hard to ensure that Ki will marry Luna. It was kinda obvious that he is the one who loves her. Problem is she kinda obsessed with Ki and even sent Colin to be her spy. The preview for the final episode was a spoiler though. Mohan, Luna and Colin are going to lead the war against Dogura/Earth.


fractal finished, well i finished watching it, i'm a bit a of a sap but i didn't even tear up kinda disappointing. although i do have a bit of a fedish for red heads, oh no i am a pedo now D:

This has nothing to do with this post I don't think.....just a question.....

Should I watch Fractale? Why or why not? What's it even about?

Okay, that was three questions. Whatever.

With one episode to go, I can't see how Fractale can move me. it started out good but towards the end it's kinda blah. Maybe if they focus less on Phryne...

Glo, you won't miss much if you don't ever watch Fractale. The story was kinda interesting but not really a nobel prize winner. To know what it's about, check my first impression post: http://kluxorious.blogspot.com/2011/01/first-impression-fractale.html

Shiro-chan should just push Akira down already rather than waiting to get into his pantsu.

And all versions of Nurarihyon are hawt ;3

i agree on both account. also, you're right about shiro and akira. who needs consensual sex anyway XD

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