18 September 2009

Gintama: The best show EVAR!

You must have seen me nerdgasm over Gintama and if you do not watch or read the manga, then you have no effing idea why I dubbed the show as the greatest ever. Here is some short clips taken from the anime and tell me that you didn't laugh. I dare you.

Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon


Gintama WTF!!

Zura janai... Katsura da!

These people, are just the tip of the icebergs.


Heheh, Gintama is one of the many, many shows on my watchlist =P

Maybe I'll get started once they start releasing the dvds here in Australia -_-

you mean you haven't started on it yet?! PHAILED!

be a convert gintamard and watch it NIAO!

I laughed.. :p
Loved the comedy..

On my to-watch list too. Lol..

I was on episode 26 and stopped watching for some reason. Lately, I've really wanted to start watching again. It definitely is one of the funniest anime out there.

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