12 March 2007


Mukshin Two words: No pretense.

That's what I like about this movie, or any of Yasmin's movies for that matter.

The other reason why I like this movie is because I can relate to its theme: the falling in love with your bestfriend theme that is.

Mukshin is the prequal to Orked that has grown up in Yasmin's earlier films, Sepet and Gubra. In Mukhsin Orked was 10 and Mukshin the leading boy is 12.

Mukhsin came to Orked's kampung on a school holiday and they met when the boys don't have enough 'kepala' to play the galah panjang. From then on their relationship grows and they got closer after spending lots of time together playing kites, climbing tress, watching football etc.Eventually deeper romantic emotions developed. Both have feelings for the others but it is never been spoken. You can tell by the gestures and the body language though!

One day they had an argument when Mukshin pushed Orked away while they were playing galah panjang (jealous punya pasal). This turns their relationship sour. Mukshin tried everything to reconcile with Orked but he was ignored by Orked until the day Mukshin has to go back to his kampung. Of course it was too late for Orked to meet or say something to Mukhsin so they never met again.

This movie also showed other issues like Orked's neighbor who was facing family crisis, bullying plus moral issue that faced Hussin, a delinquent.

Mukhsin also introduces Jason, the true soulmate of Orked when he was still in school. You just have to know which one is he though. But don't be confused when the grown up Jason and Orked made an appearance in the movie. That scene is very significant in my opinion on how Orked ended up in the future (after Gubra).

Overall I am satisfied with Mukhsin and it is such a sweet love story which brought back many happy (and sad) memories.


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