07 October 2010

Bleach: Chapter 423

Just... Holy motherfucking of hell O_O

Aizen being executed by the Central 46!

Hah, I feel sorry for those who adamantly thinks that we have seen the last of Aizen when he was sealed. I know he's going to be back but ain't this kinda just too soon? Ichigo and the other good guys haven't finish celebrating yet. The damages in Karakura Town is still there.

Also, just what the fucking fuck were they thinking. I lol'd when Aizen, even in his state, was merely sitting there and mocked the people in that chamber. I mean, he already killed them once. Besies, he is now immortal so sentencing him in the prison for 20,000 years is too light of a punishment in my opinion. I hope at least they get rid of his zanpaktou.

Oh fuck bad news. The old fuck Yamaji is alive. Fucking shit! How? Gah! And he's being an asshole to Kenpachi, Byakuya and Shunsui because they lost their captain's haori. Seriously, old fuck? They were risking their lives to save Soul Society and you worried about the haori?! Jeebus...

But I can't deny the humor in it especially when Byakuya out of all people talk back to the old fuck. *chuckles* I love Byakuya. He said the darnedest things sometimes.

Apparently the old fuck did lost an arm. I wished he was dead. I don't care if Soul Society don't have anyone else capable of replacing him because I think that bulls. All the existing captains at the moment I think has the ability to replace him, and will do an even better job at it.

At the other part of Soul Society, everyone else is busy doing stuff on their own. Mayuri has gone back to Hueco Mundo for research material. Momo lives and in the care of the 4th Squad at the moment. Toushiro is busy training with his bankai because he knows at the rate he is now, he's pretty much useless and won't be able to protect Momo. Akon for some reason has become the 12th Division Vice Captain. Wait.. WHAT? When did that happen? Where's Nemu?

But I didn't expect to read about Gin being dead. I cried. For fuck sake, I have to hid in the office toilet and cried my eyes out.

I can't believe that he's truly gone T_T

The wake of Ichigo does nothing to elevate my mood. Not even when Rukia out of all people explain calmly to Ichigo what happened, that he has lost all his shinigami power for good. Then she said her farewell. I mean how can Ichigo be so fucking calm about it. Just what the fucking fuck?

Today turned out to be the saddest day in my life. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I know Ichigo is not dead, but the fact that he can never see Rukia again just break my damn heart. It has been 10 years. It feels like I have lost my a dear friend. I don't really like this feeling in my guts. Not at all =(

Aight I'm gonna stop here. Even if I want to write more, I just can't.

For my rants on previous chapters, click here.


It really wasn't that sad. Bleach is over forever now though!

Obviously a lie....Ichigo is still gonna get his powers back somehow, and then meet Rukia in a surprising twist that I'm sure to love.

I need to straighten this out because I am sick of people telling me that it wasn't sad, or that they are actually happy with what's going on at the end of this chapter.

1. Gin is dead. He truly is gone. I love him ever since his debut at the Senkaimon. That's like 9 years ago. I followed his progress every step of the way. And now he's no longer in Bleach. It was such a big loss for me. Now I no longer has a favorite character to root for. First Kubo fucked up Grimmjow. Then Ulquiorra and now Gin. Tell me how the fuck was that not sad?

2. I fucking know that Ichigo will eventually gain his power back and will meet Rukia again. But I'm not reading it like I'm the audience. I was thinking what if I'm in their shoes. I won't know that Kubo has the ability to revive the dead. I would think that the farewell is meant to be lasting. That's why I said I feel like losing a dear friend because that's who they are to each other, even more so. That's why I'm so bothered by it. I know how it feels to lost a friend forever. Besides, I have been an IchiRukia fans ever since the first chapter. How does this won't make me fucking sad?


I would give anything for him to come back. But yeah, he is pretty much dead atm =(

All us IchiRuki fans are sad. So SAD!
On the plus side, if Mayuri is going to Hueco Mundo...maybe our dreams of Arrancar living amongst the shinigami are going to come true?! Please let it be so!!

Thank you Chester. We are sad, don't we? =(
But the thought of Grimmjow making a comeback does cheer me up a bit

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