10 November 2011

Working'!!: Episode 6

After what has transpired in the last episode, naturally I am looking forward to this episode. But Working'!! never really picked up their episode from where they left of otherwise we would have a lot of Inami/Takanashi development already, thanks to the conclusion of last season. Oh well, it keeps us guessing and wanting more.

Poplar and Satou-kun are down with the cold. It all started when Yamada accidentally threw a bucket of water onto them both and she did it again and again and again, tripping over herself every single time.

Because they are short-handed, Kyoko called her juniors to help out. The first one is her second in command in her gang called Mashiba Yohei. The other one is Mashiba Mitsuki, another person who deemed herself as the second in command and she is Yohei's twin. As expected, the twin don't see eye to eye as both want to be the apple in Kyoko's eyes. What's worse, they are more trouble than they worth around the kitchen. Thank goodness they are only helping out for a day.

Things go back to normal on the next day, well, as normal as Wagnaria can be. Takanashi is even relieved from his duty of taking care of Inami, as a show of appreciation from Kyoko. She decides that Yohei should take over Takanashi's role and it just makes me so freaking happy this early in the morning knowing that Takanashi is not happy with the arrangement. He even gets mad when Inami said it doesn't matter who takes care of her, misinterpreting her intention of not hurting him anymore.

You know what? It's not only Inami's androphobia that is being treated at the moment. In a way, Takanashi too is being treated. He doesn't think he can have any affection towards older woman but his feelings for Inami don't lie, do they, even though he's trying to convince himself that Inami is just a dog LMAO.

And maybe it is just me but I love seeing Inami wearing all sorts of hairpin to work knowing that it was transpired by Takanashi act of kindness. I am digging the pacing of Working'!! The development for the relationships are done subtly and that in my opinion, what set this show apart from all the shoujo-ish shits out there.

That's all for this episode. Before I signed off, here are some obligatory screenshots of my favorites :D

For my rants on previous episodes, click here.


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