16 August 2011

No. 6: Episode 6

I forgot how freaking big this man made city of No.6 is. Thanks to Safu who has returned to No.6 to attend her grandmother's funeral, I am reminded again how vast the city is, with big rivers and mountains. It definitely an ideal place to live in.

Going to another city definitely has done Safu good. She sees things a tad differently now. She starts questioning the things around her starting with her grandmother's death. Though it seems like she died naturally, there were just few things that do not add up. She becomes even more panicky when she found out what happened to Shion.

So she visits Shion's mom. She knew right away that Shion must have escaped judging on how composed Karan is. Stupid Safu... she should have keep things a little bit discreet. Or maybe I am just being over cautious, thinking that the City has eyes and ears everywhere.

Knowing that Shion is in the West District outside of No.6, Safu decides to look for him. She does not take any heed from Karan. She even confesses her feelings towards Shion. Jeebus, she is too far gone. I feel sorry for her knowing that Shion and Nezumi are gays as gays can be. Having said that, if suddenly Shion picks Safu over Nezumi, I am so going to spasm with rage. That should and shall never happened!

(c) Chidori

And like I said before, she should be a little bit more discreet. As she steps out from Karan's house, she's captured by the authority. Urgh, why does female character is always so troublesome? It pissed the hell out of me.

Back at the West District, Shion is tells Nezumi that he intends to go back to No.6 before Springs come. He wants to see if he can create a serum out of his blood since he's the only survivor of the parasite bees so far. Nezumi isn't very thrill hearing the news. They have an argument where Shion questions why he hates No.6 so much. In respond, Nezumi gives Shion an ultimatum. Man, he is sure getting more physical with Shion nowadays.

Shion suggests that they destroy the wall of No.6 but that's stupid. Like Nezumi said, it would create chaos what with No.6 citizen who only knows of peaceful lives. It's all either black or white with Nezumi and he decides that he and Shion can never be friends. He abhors No.6 while Shion loves it. Shion of course disagrees and makes a resolution to always be on Nezumi's side no matter what.

That's pretty words coming out from his mouth. I almost believe it if it isn't a fact that Safu will eventually interfere with their relationship development. But until she does, let's hope this shall happen soon :)

(c) Cho

As expected, Karan sends a letter for them with news of Safu getting caught. Nezumi is the one who receives it. There's no way he is going to tell Shion about it. He does not want Shion to leave him so what does he do? We just have to wait and see in episode 7. Heh

p/s: Is that Shion kissing Nezumi I see in the preview? *stokes*


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